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Satisfaction Survey of Presbyopic LASIK Patients Up to 11 Years Postop

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1 Satisfaction Survey of Presbyopic LASIK Patients Up to 11 Years Postop
Himani Goyal, MD; Sandra C. Belmont , MD Belmont Eye Center – NYU Medical Center Authors have no financial interest

2 Purpose To assess the satisfaction level of presbyopic patients post LASIK

3 Methods Retrospective study
Satisfaction surveys obtained from post-op LASIK patients over the age of 40 Post operative time ranged from several months to 11 years All patients had LASIK with the Moria microkeratome and VISX Excimer Laser

4 Survey

5 Results Total # of participants was 36
Age: average 50 years, range years 15 patients had monovision (MV) correction, 21 had full correction for distance

6 Complaints

7 Satisfaction

8 Conclusion 95% of our patients said the procedure has positively affected their everyday lives. Monovision patients report more difficulty with driving than those with full correction. LASIK is a highly satisfactory procedure for presbyopic patients

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