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Week Beginning Monday 12th March 2018 Stations of the Cross.

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1 Week Beginning Monday 12th March 2018 Stations of the Cross

2 Friday 16th March 2018 A reflection on this weeks Stations
By understanding why Jesus died on the Cross, we come face-to-face with the unconditional and total love of God for humanity. As Christians, the Cross is, for us, forever an emblem of love, humility and obedience. A moments reflection Why Jesus did Jesus have to died for us? Why was Jesus lifted up on a Cross, why did God not find another way? What is the transforming power of the Cross.

3 Who in the passion of Christ our Lord
Let Us Pray O God, Who in the passion of Christ our Lord have set us free from death, the wages of our ancient sin, inherited by the whole human race: renew us in the image of your Son; and as we have borne in ourselves, from birth, the image of the earthly man, grant that, by the working of your Spirit, we may bear the image of the heavenly man. Through Christ our Lord. Amen

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