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The Odyssey Elements of an Epic.

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Presentation on theme: "The Odyssey Elements of an Epic."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Odyssey Elements of an Epic

2 That sounds long… An epic is a long narrative poem about the deeds of a hero. Usually, epics have some historical basis and blend legend with fact.

3 What are epics about? The epics tell the great accomplishments of a hero. This hero usually embodies the goals and values of his/her society.

4 That sounds boring… WRONG!!
The Odyssey has been told and retold for over 2,000 years! Popular culture has often adopted the story and retold it in a different way. Examples…


6 Story Elements of an Epic
Royal Characters Cosmic Plot Affects either a nation or the universe Cast of thousands Divine Intervention The gods are constantly involved. Descent to the underworld or contact with the dead

7 Style Elements of an Epic
Invocation of the muse Prayer for help and inspiration Theme in first few lines Epithets Long titles and descriptions In medias res The story starts in the middle. Has basis in history

8 Telling the Story Epics are usually products of an oral tradition.
The stories would be told from generation to generation. The stories were usually sung as songs. **Homer did not come up with these stories. He simply gathered them together.

9 Morals of the Story Epics often rely on the legends and mythology of their culture. In the case of theOdyssey, the story contains a lot of Greek mythology and Greek values. Result: there are a lot of gods, goddesses, and Greek ideas and values.

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