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Inclusive Measurements as an mSUGRA Signal with ATLAS

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1 Inclusive Measurements as an mSUGRA Signal with ATLAS
David López Mateos, September 2, 2006 Approaches to Discovering SUSY The ATLAS Detector Data Analysis Discovery Reach and Implications Advisor: Emlyn W. Hughes, Columbia University Contact:

2 Reducing the Parameter Space
Extend the Standard Model to include SUSY (MSSM) MSSM has 105 extra parameters Assume SUSY Breaking mechanism (higher-scale theory) Gravity-Mediated (Supergravity, SUGRA) Gauge-Mediated (GMSB) Anomaly-Mediated (AMSB) Even if the physical SUSY is not the MSSM, MSSM should be a good first approximation 44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

3 SUGRA Essentials Promote SUSY to be a local symmetry (same as local invariance under full Poincaré algebra) SUSY Breaking caused by gravitational strength interactions between hidden sector and the MSSM Theoretical Framework for RGE evolution Still not many simplifications with respect to MSSM 44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

4 mSUGRA Essentials Flavor-blind interactions communicate SUSY breaking:
universality At the SUSY breaking scale: u d sgn{} 44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

5 mSUGRA at the LHC Heavy LSP in all the allowed parameter space
Trigger on missing ET Strong interactions dominate production Gluino and squark production Specific decay chains can be assumed for reconstruction Missing ET, jets and leptons 44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

6 Overview of ATLAS Tile calorimeters LAr calorimeters Muon chambers
y ,  z x Superconducting coil: B= 2 T Inner tracker Toroidal magnets 44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

7 Challenges of the Analyses
Understanding the detector Understanding the background Determination of the energy scale Z+multijet, with Z  (or ) W+multijet, with W l tt production and decay QCD multijet processes these can be simulated, but also calculated from other measurements 44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

8 Determination of the Energy Scale
Need an understanding of the whole detector Hadronic jets limit the scale determination (~5-10%) Calibration Detector effects For ||<3.2: For ||>3.2: ~1% 44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

9 Updated ATLAS Studies Fast detector simulation
Online trigger: ETsum+Etmiss>60 GeV+60 GeV Cuts were optimized In the experiment: No discovery: limits on SUSY cross-sections Discovery: probably a signal consistent over a region of parameter space (with different cuts) D. R. Tovey, SN-ATLAS 44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

10 No Discovery Scenario M1/2 (GeV) M1/2 (GeV) M0 (GeV) M0 (GeV)
44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

11 Discovery Scenario: the Scale of SUSY
If there is a discovery, missing ET spectrum determines the scale of SUSY Meffsusy (GeV) Mest (GeV) m0=100 GeV m1/2=300 GeV A0=300 GeV >0 tan=2.1 Mest (GeV) d/dMest (mb/400GeV) ~20% 10 fb-1 44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

12 mSUGRA Constraints and Checks
M1/2 (GeV) Contours of constant M0 (GeV) mSUGRA missing ET vs GMSB missing ET susy (mb) Meffsusy (GeV) 44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

13 Summary and Implications
Mass scale of SUSY in the most favored models can be determined very early on in the Physics program Inclusive measurements will guide exclusive measurements and will provide evidence of SUSY breaking mechanism mSUGRA can easily give Dark Matter SUSY as a solution to the Hierarchy Problem will be found or almost ruled out at the LHC A very attractive theory, a wealth of Physics to unveil 44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

14 Discovery Reach and Luminosity
44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

15 Top Background T. Plehn, D. Rainwater and P. Skands. hep-ph/0510144
44th EMISSP 4/9/2006 David LOPEZ MATEOS

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