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Youth Engagement and Youth Work in Torsby - Sweden

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Engagement and Youth Work in Torsby - Sweden"— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Engagement and Youth Work in Torsby - Sweden
Onga, Hungary  June,17 –

2 Torsby, Sweden, Europe 11 800 inhabitants
400 km to Stockholm, the capital 200 km to Oslo, the Norwegian capital 2,5 inhabitants/km2

3 Euroscepticism in Torsby
The political parties represented in the national parliament are all EU-positive! Extreme right parties exist: NMR, AFS With limited influence


5 Drop outs 68% (Sweden) accomplish upper secondary school with diploma.
Students with diploma in Torsby municipality (average for seven years) % Of the remaining 32 %, a large proportion of the students complete upper secondary school at a later stage and become employable 5-10% never enter upper secondary school

6 To enter upper secondary school, certain qualifications are required (passed a grade in: Swedish, English, mathematics and also approved grades in another 5 optional subjects. 5-10 percent does not meet these requirements These students are given special assistance to fulfil the requirements These studies are followed on a special program within the upper secondary school

7 A relatively large proportion of those who study for eligibility do not, for various reasons, succeed The municipality has the responsibility for the young people up to the age of 20 This responsibility is centrally regulated by Swedish National agency of Education

8 How we in Torsby work with this target group
Cooperation between the school and the municipality's labor market department The aim of the work is that young people shall become self-supporting through employment or higher education The youths are offered individual solutions and action plans based entirely on the needs of each youth The most important thing in the whole process is treatment and relationship building

9 Possible activities Various activities such as:
internships at workplaces coaching courses driving license courses wellness visits to workplaces contact with the authorities “spiderwork“ Breakfast at school

10 Contacts within the municipality
Within the municipality there are different departments where support can be asked for: social services for financial assistance or for addiction treatment debt counseling support efforts via the Act on support and service for certain disabled people (LSS)

11 Contacts with other authorities
The youths are also offered support in contacts and applications regarding other authorities, such as: health and health care and psychiatry applications for financial support via "Försäkringskassan" - activity compensation for reduced work capacity or for extended schooling due to illness, injury or disability

12 There is also a centrally regulated agreement , financed by the EU, for cooperation between the municipality and the employment office to reduce youth unemployment called "the delegation young to work" within the employment office can:  give extra support for disabilities  offer certain vocational educations In special cases offer subsidized employment via payroll contributions to employers

13 Questions? Thank you for listening!

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