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Content cont’d What are the health economic implications of a new strategy shaped by epigenetics research?

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Presentation on theme: "Content cont’d What are the health economic implications of a new strategy shaped by epigenetics research?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Content cont’d What are the health economic implications of a new strategy shaped by epigenetics research?

2 The importance of public health actions in reversing the wider environmental influence on our genome & consequently on our health should increase their health economic evaluation. Prevention of long list of chronic & serious diseases by adopting healthier life style has never been more valuable as confirmed & promoted by epigenetics science. The cost of these preventive programmes will be dwarfed by the benefits reaped through preventing the impact of ill health over the life course.

3 Argument can be made that a health preventive action in pregnancy or childhood that will impact several generations (at least 3) simultaneously will lead to huge savings when compared with an action on an adult although both can undo a lot of these environmental epigenetics changes. Adding to it continued actions in childhood will only magnify & strengthen earlier actions in pregnancy with more future savings Children ultimately hold the key to our future prosperity Thus the argument to prioritise maternity & childhood is settled.

4 Sustainable futures It is about defining the long term development path for our nation. It means healthy, productive people; vibrant, inclusive communities; a diverse & resilient environment & an advanced & innovative economy. This legislative programme provides new powers, duties & institutional capacity to advance our goals of building a sustainable Wales." What is the use of ensuring a sustainable planet around us if we are unable to live healthily & long enough to enjoy it?

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