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Cells: The Basic Units of Life

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1 Cells: The Basic Units of Life

2 Organelle= “little organ”
All the stuff in between the organelles is cytoplasm


4 “Cell Boundary” separates the inside of the cell from the external environment controls the flow of materials into and out of the cell


6 “The Brain” Controls all cell activities
Holds the DNA (genetic material)


8 “Roads” Made up of channels that transport material made in the cell from one place to another Rough ER & Smooth ER

9 Rough ER= filled with RIBOSOMES; it makes proteins
Smooth ER = NO RIBOSOMES; it makes lipids


11 “Protein Factory” Make proteins


13 “Shippers” Sorts products from the ER (proteins and lipids) and packages them into vesicles


15 “Clean Up Crew” Contain proteins (enzymes) that break down food into smaller particles Destroy old cells, recycle the parts Destroy invaders Garbage disposal Only found in animal cells


17 “Powerhouse” Makes energy for the cell Contains a double membrane
Has it’s own DNA


19 “Storage” Sacs that fill with food being digested and waste material that is on its way out of the cell Water is also stored here Plant cells- central vacuole


21 “Spiderman” Protein tubes that play a role in cell division
Usually only in animal cells Shoot out spindle fibers that guide chromosomes during cell division


23 photosynthesis

24 Flagellum Long, tail-like projection that extends from the cell
Used for locomotion

25 Cilia Short, thin projections from cell Help with locomotion



28 Why are plant cells generally firmer than animal cells?
Question 1 Why are plant cells generally firmer than animal cells?

29 What is the difference between nucleoplasm and cytoplasm?
Question 2 What is the difference between nucleoplasm and cytoplasm?

30 Why do muscle cells contain more mitochondria than fat cells do?
Question 3 Why do muscle cells contain more mitochondria than fat cells do?

31 Question 4 What is the difference between SMOOTH Endoplasmic Reticulum and ROUGH Endoplasmic Reticulum?

32 What is Apoptosis & why would this happen?
Question 5 What is Apoptosis & why would this happen?

33 Why does a cell membrane not leak when punctured with a needle?
Question 6 Why does a cell membrane not leak when punctured with a needle?

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