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Senior English 9/4/18 What does it mean to be authentic? Intellectual? Can it apply to areas in your life outside of school? Examples? Explanation? Instructor:

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Presentation on theme: "Senior English 9/4/18 What does it mean to be authentic? Intellectual? Can it apply to areas in your life outside of school? Examples? Explanation? Instructor:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior English 9/4/18 What does it mean to be authentic? Intellectual? Can it apply to areas in your life outside of school? Examples? Explanation? Instructor: "Isn't it remarkable how quickly the kids learn to drive the car?" Parent: "Yes, especially considering how slowly they catch on to running the lawnmower and vacuum cleaner.“ FIDO – Freaks, Irregulars, Defects, Odditites. A coin collector’s term for a minting error. Goals – Review key constructs of O’Connor’s English Class. Discuss “Prospective Imigrants” in terms of education instead of immigration. Begin analysis of AIW article. Homework -Write a brief paragraph about ways you can apply what we discussed in class. Complete any work you left incomplete in class. Don’t forget to study for Vocab 1 on Thursday.

2 Senior English 9/5/18 Do you believe that intelligence is fixed and unchangeable or that a person can become more intelligent over time? How do you make a witch itch? BOLTOP – Better On Lips Than On Paper. Add it to SWAK if you mean business! Goals – Discuss switching between non-critical thinking and critical thinking. Continue with “Authentic Intellectual Work: Common Standards….” Discuss text-based argumentation. Can you make this information work for you? Practice switching between non-critical thinking and critical thinking to analyze an article. Homework – Write a brief paragraph about ways you can apply what we discussed in class. Complete any work you left incomplete in class. Take away the “W”

3 Senior English 9/6/18 Five minutes to study for Week 1 Quiz.
Why not say “288” in conversation? Cuffuffle – irritation, agitation, dithering. Goals – Successfully Complete Week 1 vocab study. Begin Week 2 vocab study. Complete analysis and discussion of AIW in real world applications. Homework - Begin Week 2 Vocabulary study. Five minutes every day. Complete any written work from class that you didn’t have time to finish. Checking Dailies on Tuesday. It is two gross.

4 Senior English How comfortable are you doing work on the computer? What obstacles do you have to completing work on the computer? How many twins does it take to change a light bulb? BOLTOP – Better On Lips Than On Paper. Add it to SWAK if you mean business! Goals - Discuss analogous analysis of “Prospective Imigrants Please Note.” Read, analyze, and discuss, “Authentic Intellectual Work: Common Standards….” Discuss viewpoints using text-based arguments. Can you make this information work for you? Practice switching between non-critical thinking and critical thinking to analyze an article. Use an inquiry approach to reading the article and gaining deeper understanding of mental courage. Homework – Begin Week 2 Vocabulary study. Five minutes every day. Complete any written work from class that you didn’t have time to finish.

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