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Ofsted Pilot 13- 14 March 2019 Helen Dixon.

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Presentation on theme: "Ofsted Pilot 13- 14 March 2019 Helen Dixon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ofsted Pilot March 2019 Helen Dixon

2 Quality of Education Intent
Curriculum design, coverage and appropriateness Implementation Curriculum delivery Teaching (pedagogy) Assessment (formative and summative) Impact Attainment and progress (formerly pupil outcomes) Reading Destinations

3 In practice, this means being clear on your answers to 3 key questions
What are you trying to achieve through your curriculum? (Intent) How is your curriculum being delivered? (Implementation) What difference is your curriculum making? (Impact)

4 Deep dives 4 departments chosen by the Lead - English, Maths, Science, History No other subjects seen in 2 days

5 Ideal Sequence Meeting with Head of Department alone for curriculum discussion Observing with HOD Work scrutiny with inspector and HOD Pupil discussion of learning - Key Stage 3 and 4 for that subject with books Meeting with rest of department without HOD

6 Meetings with SLT Meeting 1 - Big picture. Strengths and weaknesses of the school. All inspectors and SLT Safeguarding and single central register Teaching and Learning and CPD Curriculum Assessment Behaviour and Attitudes

7 Meeting with other staff
SENCO Literacy Co-ordinator Numeracy Co-ordinator Enrichment Careers and destinations PSHE NQTS Trainees

8 Meeting with Students KS3 and 4 with department focus
Key Stage 3 / 4/ 5 - general conversation Student council Sixth form leadership team Drop in to personal development time (Year ) Collective Worship

9 Data No attainment / progress data was looked at by the team
Exclusion data and behaviour data was looked at


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