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The Johnson Times Week of April 22nd Sharing the planet

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1 The Johnson Times Week of April 22nd Sharing the planet
Game Plan: Specials Monday- Spanish Tuesday- P.E. Wednesday- art Thursday- chess Friday- music Notes from the teacher please have your child complete 45 minutes of both math and reading each week. I will be counting the 45 minutes for each subject as a class work grade. Students will be earning tickets for each reading lesson passed and will have an opportunity to earn prizes. Friday no school Wax museum Students need to have trifold board in class by Monday 4/22 if they have not brought one. They also need to bring pictures, information, and supplies to complete their board, this will be completed in class. Iready diagnostics- 4/24-4/25- please explain to your child it is very important they try their best on these. Math fsa- May 7-8 jnsjk Math Language Arts Social Studies Science Mass of objects Volume quiz on mass and volume 4-24 Reading Skills: - - Jake Drake novel study Figurative language Wax museum project Wax museum project on historical figure Sharing the planet Classifying plants and animals Vertebrates and invertebrates

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