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3 Introduction The world is a very large place, but it is getting smaller, thanks to the advent of computers and Information Technology. However, the progress that we've made in these fields also has a dark side, in that a new terrorist tactic, commonly called Cyber terrorism has developed. The old, conventional methods of assassination and hostage taking are slowly fading, as terrorists head towards the Internet to pull their stunts. The cause for this kind of a transition stems from the fact that the terrorist has long since realized that removing one official from office only causes another official to take his place; which is not the end-result the terrorist wished to achieve. This causes the terrorist to take to the net, thus affecting a wider section than could otherwise have been targeted. From disabling a country's economy to shutting off power in large areas, it's all possible, with less risk to the terrorists. Cyber terrorism is any act of terrorism that uses information systems or digital technology (computers or computer networks) as either an instrument or a target. Cyber terrorism can either be "international", "domestic" or "political", according to the nature of the act, but it is always an act involving a combination of the terrorist and the computer.



6 Hacking: Hackers might be Code hackers – They know computers inside out. They can make the computer do nearly anything they want it to. Crackers – They break into computer systems circumventing operating systems and their security is their favorite pastime. Cyber pumps – They are masters of cryptography. Phreakers – They combine their in-depth knowledge of the Internet and mass telecommunication systems. Hackers are becoming menacing, so uncontrollable that even largest companies in the world are finding it difficult to cope up with their incessant attacks

7 Examples of Cyber terrorism
Cyber terrorism takes many forms. One of the more popular is to threaten a large bank. The terrorists hack into the system and then leave an encrypted message for senior directors, which threaten the leave an encrypted message for senior directors, which threaten the bank. This message says that if the bank does not pay a set amount of money, then the terrorists will use anything from logic bombs to electromagnetic pulses and high-emission radio frequency guns to destroy the bank's files. The fact that the terrorists may be in another in another country add to the difficulty of catching the criminals.

8 Cyberterror In Future:
The next generation of terrorists will grow up in a digital world, with ever more powerful and easy-to-use hacking tools at their disposal. They might see greater potential for cyberterrorism than the terrorists of today, and their level of knowledge and skill relating to hacking will be greater. Hackers and insiders might be recruited by terrorists or become self-recruiting cyberterrorists. Some might be moved to action by cyber policy issues, making cyberspace an attractive venue for carrying out an attack. Cyberterrorism could also become more attractive as the real and virtual worlds become more closely coupled, with a greater number of physical devices attached to the Internet.

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