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DISCUSSION In small groups, decide which fraction to use to explain:

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Presentation on theme: "DISCUSSION In small groups, decide which fraction to use to explain:"— Presentation transcript:

1 DISCUSSION In small groups, decide which fraction to use to explain:
5 minutes DISCUSSION In small groups, decide which fraction to use to explain: Where the eyes are positioned in relation to the top of the head and the bottom of the chin. 2) Where the nose is in relation to the eyes and the chin? 3) Where the mouth is in relation to the nose and the chin? Also, how would you explain where the ears start and stop in relation to other facial features?


3 REVIEW PREVIEW What activities did you do last lesson?
What skills, knowledge or understanding did you learn? Consider what skills you would like to develop this lesson through the following activities PREVIEW 3

4 Learning Objectives You will: What I’m looking for…
Learn about the proportions of the human face. Learn how to draw a realistic tonal nose, mouth and ear. Continue to develop tonal control using HB and 2B pencils. Develop your peer and self-assessment skills, learning to offer and take on board advice. What I’m looking for… You have an understanding about the proportions of the human face and where the facial features are positioned. You have an ability to draw a nose, mouth and ear in tone. You are able to control HB and 2B pencils effectively You know how to create various amounts of pencil tone.

5 & 45 minutes Switch to the visualiser to demonstrate how to draw a human nose, mouth and ear in tone. Students will peer and self-assess following each drawing. 5

6 PREP.WORK Watch the ‘Tonal nose, mouth and ear videos’ on the VLE and do a 2nd drawing, label this as your 2nd attempt so improvement can be seen from your 1st one done in lesson

7 5 minutes Turn to the back of your sketchbook and thinking about the learning objectives from the start of the lesson, tick each statement that you feel confident you have learnt. Now at the right-hand side, write down one specific thing that you have learnt today that you didn’t know before. Learning Objectives You will: Learn about the proportions of the human face. Learn how to draw a realistic tonal nose, mouth and ear. Continue to develop tonal control using HB and 2B pencils. Develop their peer and self-assessment skills, learning to offer and take on board advice.

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