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Causes of the Great Depression

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1 Causes of the Great Depression
Life’s a Beach Causes of the Great Depression

2 What were the major causes of the Great Depression in America?
Down to Business Essential Question What were the major causes of the Great Depression in America?

3 Why do I care, Miss McCormack
The Great Depression was a defining moment in America’s history in which the country was forced to deal with the consequences of its actions. In many was the turn of the century had been the “trying teen years” of our country and it was now a grown up learning from its mistakes. Nonetheless, it forced America to “pull itself up by its bootstraps and move forward.

4 Quick Write When you hear “the economy is bad” what does that mean to you? How does this look in our day to day lives?

5 Industries in Trouble railroads lost business to new forms of transportation trucks, buses, private automobiles coal mining & lumbering declined (less need) new forms of energy hydroelectric power fuel oil natural gas new home construction fell

6 Farmers in Trouble during WWI price & demand were high
Grew too much hoping to make money began to default on their loans rural banks fail banks foreclosed and seized property as payment for debt

7 Consumers in Trouble Americans were buying less rising prices
Wages did not increase as cost of living became more expensive unbalanced distribution of income and wealth overbuying on credit

8 Uneven Distribution of Income
rich got richer & poor got poorer most American families (70%+) earned under $2,500 a year min. amount for a decent standard of living

9 President Herbert Hoover
Republican ran on a ticket of American wealth and prosperity won 1928

10 The Stock Market… (1) Stock market = ability for anyone to invest in and then own a “share” (a piece) of a company. represents the health of the market

11 The Stock Market… (2) buying on margin: paying a small percentage of a stock’s price up front and expecting to make a profit to pay the rest back later speculation: bought stocks and bonds on the chance of a quick profit while ignoring the risks

12 CRASHES!!! Black Tuesday October 29, 1929
16.4 million stock market shares sold in 1 day millions of those shares had no buyers investors lost about $30 billion


14 Bank and Business Failure
tried to withdraw their savings from the banks banks had invested the money and lost no government protection for bank accounts

15 Financial Ruin stock market crash signaled the beginning of the Great Depression unemployment grew 3% in 1929 to 25% in 1933

16 Results less demand for consumer goods = fewer people shopping
fewer shoppers= business in financial trouble business trouble= firing workers unemployment= even less shopping

17 Example Depression began with people in America living beyond their means and buying on credit Everyone began to invest in the stock market to make quick money to pay debts and get rich But soon the stock market crashed and people lost their life savings. The streets were filled with panicked people who ran to the banks for the last of their money.

18 Assignment: Acrostic Poem
Using your Randomly selected word you will create a poem. minimum of 7 words per line must incorporate the causes of the Great Depression story of the causes; not just the one you were assigned must include at least 1 picture must be colorful

19 Assignment: Acrostic Poem Potential Words:

ALL posters must be finished at this point.

21 Gallery Walk Read the poem as a group Discuss the poem together
Sharing with stickies =) Read the poem as a group Discuss the poem together Each group will complete one of the following sentences on a sticky note: This poem is effective in explaining The Great Depression because … This poem does not effectively explain the causes of the Great Depression because … This poem has several strengths, including… This poem should address … This poem would be even better if … This poem helps us to understand the Great Depression because …

22 1. As a group READ & DISCUSS the feedback given to you on the sticky notes 2. Use the RUBRIC (below) to give yourself a score as a group. (write it on the WHITE rough draft/directions paper). 3. Staple the sticky notes to the back & turn it in to the basket RUBRIC: 40 pts possible 10 pts: 7 words per line (as close as possible) 5 pts: picture Does it relate to the topic? 5 pts: colorful 20 pts: content Did you discuss multiple causes? Did you explain how the Depression began?

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