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Spelling: /p/ can be spelled as

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1 Spelling: /p/ can be spelled as
P as in pen, paper = pen ˈpeɪpə PP as in upper = ˈʌpə /p/ is silent in psalm sɑːm

2 Distribution: /p/ can occur initially, medially and finally in words as in pin /pɪn/ (initial), supper /ˈsʌpə/(medial) and gap /ɡæp/(final).

3 Allophonic variants 1. /p/ is aspirated (i. c ., released with a strong puff of air) when it occurs initially in a stressed syllable. The aspirated variety can be represented by the symbol

4 Page 30

5 /p/ is unaspirated when ii occurs after /s/ and in unaccented syllables e.g.,

6 /p/ is nasally released when it is followed by /m/,

7 /p/ is not released audibly when it occurs finally or before another plosive or affricate, e.g.,

8 /b/ is voiced bilabial plosive.

9 Spelling: /b/ is represented by the letters band bb in beer /bɪə/, tobacco  /təˈbækəʊ/, rubber /rʌbə/, and tub /tʌb/. /b/ is silent in: thumb /θʌm/, lamb /læm/, plumber /plʌmə/, etc.

10 Distribution: /b/ occur initially, medially and finally as:
bin /bɪn/  rubber /rʌbə/  tub /tʌb/

11 /b/ is nasally released when it is immediately followed by /m/ e.g.,
Allophonic variants: /b/ is nasally released when it is immediately followed by /m/ e.g., submit /səbˈmɪt / submarine /sʌbməˈriːn/

12 /b/ is not released audibly when it occurs finally and when it is followed by another plosive or affricate, tub tʌb  final subject ˈsʌbʤɪkt Before an affricate əbˈteɪn Before another plsive

13 /t/ Distribution initially = tell medially = obtain finally = bat.

14 Allophonic variants /t/ is aspirated initially tʌb tub əˈteɪn attain
potato pəˈteɪtəʊ

15 /t/ is unaspirated when it is preceded by /s/ and when it occurs in an unstressed syllable
stain steɪn  stamp stæmp  butter ˈbʌtə  computer kəmˈpjuːtə

16 /t/ is nasally released when it is immediately followed /n/
cotton ˈkɒtn  button ˈbʌtn

17 /t/ is laterally released when it IS immediately followed by /l/
little ˈlɪtl  cattle ˈkætl

18 /t/ is not released audibly when it occurs finally in a word and when it is immediately followed by another plosive or affricate e.g., cut kʌt  football ˈfʊtbɔːl  that church ðæt ʧɜːʧ

19 /d/ Spellings: /d/ is represented by the letters d. dd as in dog, rudder, good Distribution day /deɪ / modest /ˈmɒdɪst/  bad /bæd/

20 Allophonic Variants /d/ is released laterally when it is immediately followed by /n/. sudden ˈsʌdn  gladden ˈglædn

21 /d/ is released nasally when it is immediately followed by /1/.
riddle ˈrɪdl  bridle ˈbraɪdl

22 /d/ is not released audibly when it occurs finally and when it is immediately followed by another plosive or affricate good gʊd  bad boy bæd bɔɪ  good jam gʊd ʤæm

23 /k/ Spellings: /kl is represented by: The letter k as in book.
The letter c as in cot, music. The letters ch as in character. The letters ck as in back. The letters cc as in account. The letters que as in cheque.

24 Distribution: /k/ can occur initially, medially and finally in a word as in calm (initial) reckon (medial) and like (final). calm kɑːm  reckon ˈrekən  like laɪk

25 Allophonic Variants: /k/ is aspirated when it occurs initially in a stressed syllable. e.g., captain ˈkæptɪn  kit kɪt

26 /k/ unaspiratcd after /s/ and in unaccented syllables, e.g.,
skin skɪn  canal kəˈnæl

27 /g/ is articulated like /k/ described above except that during the articulation of /g/ the vocal cords vibrate producing voice /g/ can thus be described as a voiced velar plosive.

28 Spellings: get get glory ˈglɔːri bag bæg luggage ˈlʌgɪʤ baggage ˈbægɪʤ
The letter g as in get, glory and bag 2. The letters gg as in baggage and luggage get get  glory ˈglɔːri  bag bæg luggage ˈlʌgɪʤ  baggage ˈbægɪʤ

29 Fricatives: There are nine fricatives in English
labio-dental /f/ and /v/, interdental /θ/ and /ð/, alveolar /s/ and /z/, Palatoalveolar /ʃ/ and /ʒ/, and glottal /h/.

30 The lower lip is very close to the edge of the upper front teeth, thus forming an incomplete obstruction.

31 Spelling The letter f and in five, fool
The letter ff as in coffee, affair. The letter ph as in physics, photograph. The letter gh as in cough, rough.

32 Distribution: /f/ can occur initially, medially and finally as in five (initial), offer (medial) and roof (final).

33 /v/ /v/ exactly like /f/ but is voiced.
Spellings: /v/ is represented by

34 Distribution /v/: initially (vine), medially (cover) and finally (love)

35 /θ/ Voiceless dental fricative Spellings: /θ/ is spelled –th
Distribution Initially (thick), medially (method) and finally (both)

36 /ð/ /ð/ a voiced dental fricative.
Spellings: /ð/ is spelled as th as in then and that. Distribution: initially (then), medially (leather) and finally (breathe)

37 /s/ Voiceless alveolar fricative Spellings The letter s as in sin.
The letters ss as in message, pass. Final x is pronounced /ks/ as in box, box, taxi.

38 Other fricatives are produced with different places of articulation: For the alveolar fricatives /s/ and /z/, the tip of the tongue is close to the alveolar ridge. The teeth are very close together.

39 The friction for /s/ is strong, even stronger than for /θ/
The friction for /s/ is strong, even stronger than for /θ/. For /s/ the vocal cords do not vibrate; they vibrate for /z/ when it occurs before vowels or in intervocalic positions. E.g. zone, easy, etc.

40 Distribution /s/: initially, medially and finally seen passive less

41 /z/ Voiced alveolar fricative Spellings

42 Distribution: /z/ initially, medially and finally zoo puzzle lose

43 Inflectional suffixes
/s/, if the stem ends with a voiceless consonant except /s/, /ʃ/, /ʧ/ cats kæts  cups kʌps  puffs pʌfs  cooks kʊks

44 /z/, if the stem ends with a voiced sound except /z/, /ʒ/, /ʤ/
boys bɔɪz  eggs egz  lads lædz  comes kʌmz  nuns nʌnz  calls kɔːlz  writhes raɪðz  laws lɔːz

45 /iz/, if the root ends in /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /ʧ/ and /ʤ/
losses ˈlɒsɪz  buzzes ˈbʌzɪz  bushes ˈbʊʃɪz  churches ˈʧɜːʧɪz  judges ˈʤʌʤɪz 

46 /ʃ/ Spelling The letters sh as in shine, sheep The letters ch as in machine The letter s+u as in sugar The letters ti as in nation, caution. The letter cas in efficient. The letter ss as in pressure The letters ci as in conscience /ˈkɒnʃəns/ .

47 Distribution /ʃ/ occurs initially, medially and finally as in shell (initial) pressure (medial) and fish (final).

48 /ʒ/ Voiced palate-alveolar fricative. Spellings: The letters si as in decision, vision, The letters s+u as in pleasure, leisure, The letters ge as in French loan words like rouge, garage

49 Distribution /ʒ/ occurs only medially in English words.
pleasure ˈplɛʒə (medial) and beige beɪʒ (final).

50 Spellings: /h/ is always represented by the letter h. Allophonic Variants: /h/ is voiced between two vowels: behind, beehive.

51 Distribution: hat hæt (initial), behave bɪˈheɪv (medial).
/h/ occurs only initially and medial1y: hat hæt (initial), behave bɪˈheɪv (medial).

52 Affricates Spelling: / ʧ/ is represented by:
ch as in cheap, church: /ʧiːp/,  /ʧɜːʧ/  tch as in batch: /bæʧ/ t+ure as in picture: /ˈpɪkʧə/ t+ion as in question. /ˈkwestʃən/

53 Distribution: / ʧ/ Initially: chip /ʧɪp/ Medially: butcher /ˈbʊʧə/
Finally: catch /kæʧ/

54 /ʤ/ Spelling: Initial j as in jump. /ʤʌmp/
Initial g as in gin, gentle. /ʤɪn/, /ˈdʒentl/ gg as in sug'gest. / səˈdʒest / Final ge as in luggage, revenge. /ˈlʌgɪʤ/, /rɪˈvendʒ/  di as in soldier. /ˈsəʊlʤə/ Medial gi as in religion. /rɪˈlɪdʒən/

55 /ʤ/ Distribution Initially as in join: /dʒɔɪn/
Medially as in religion: /rɪˈlɪdʒən/ Finally as in badge: /bædʒ/

56 Nasals Explained here: /m/ Spelling:
m as in mother: /ˈmʌðə/ (initial) and exam /ɪɡˈzæm/ (final) mm as in summer: /ˈsʌmə/ (medial)

57 3. mb as in limb /lɪm/ 4. mn as in autumn /ˈɔːtəm/ 5
3. mb as in limb /lɪm/ 4. mn as in autumn /ˈɔːtəm/ 5. gm as in paradigm /ˈpærədaɪm/

58 /n/ n as in not: /nɒt/ (initial) nn as in runner: /ˈrʌnə/ (medial)
kn as in know: /nəʊ/ gn as in sign: /saɪn/ (final) ne as in caffeine: /ˈkæfiːn/

59 /ŋ/ Spelling ng as in spring, hung, song sprɪŋ hʌŋ sɒŋ
n(+k) as in ankle, link, bank ˈæŋkl, lɪŋk, bæŋk n(+c) as in uncle function extinct ˈʌŋkl ˈfʌnŋkʃən ɪksˈtɪŋkt

60 Laterals Spelling: l as in leave /liːv/ ll as in villain /ˈvɪlən/
le as in circle /ˈsɜːkəl/

61 Allophonic variants Dental /l/ is used when it is followed by /θ/, /helθ/ Or as in tell them /tel ðəm/

62 Trills Spelling /r/is represented by the letter r
It occurs before a vowel sound red red run rʌn dry draɪ trail treɪl

63 /r/ is silent garden ˈgɑːdn larder ˈlɑːdə early ˈɜːli jerk ʤɜːk

64 Allophonic Variants: /r/ is voiced after d in words like dry draɪ
draw drɔː /r/ is voiceless after /p, t, k/ in words like: pray preɪ try traɪ cry kraɪ

65 /r/ is voiced between two vowels and after /θ/ very ˈveri sorry ˈsɒri three θriː

66 Distribution Initial: read riːd Medial: moderate ˈmɒdərɪt

67 Linking /r/ In British English, /r/ does not occur finally, but when the following word begins with a vowel sound, /r/ is inserted Consider the following examples: hare /heə/ The hare and the tortoise ðə heər ænd ðə ˈtɔːtəs

68 Glides; Semi-vowels When we produce a glide, our tongue moves in a gliding manner toward the next vowel sound.

69 semi-vowel /w/ is thus a voiced rounded labio-velar semi-vowel. Spelling: /w/ is represented by The letter w as in west. The letters wh as in why. /wai/ The letter u as in queen.

70 Distribution: /w/ occurs initially as in west and medially as in queen kwiːn
It does not occur finally.

71 /j/ Spelling: y as in yet u as in usual /ˈjuːʒuəl/

72 Distribution: initially as in young /jʌŋ/
medial as in beyond /bɪˈjɒnd/ It does not occur finally.

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