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British Colonies Review! 2!!.

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1 British Colonies Review! 2!!

2 Question Which English colony is often called the “Lost Colony”? A. Roanoke B. Jamestown C. Virginia Answer: A

3 Answer: C Question Which colony was the LAST colony to be founded?
A. Virginia B. Rhode Island C. Georgia Answer: C

4 Answer: A Question Tobacco was called a “cash” crop because it was
A. raised mainly for sale to other colonies and Europe B. not useful for anything the colonists really needed to survive C. used to raise the funds needed for colonists to start mining for gold. Answer: A

5 Question Which of the following would be LEAST likely to be found in a Middle colony? A. debtor B. wheat C. Quaker Answer: A

6 Answer: B Question Where were the English colonies located?
Along the Pacific coast B. Along the Atlantic coast C. Along the Mississippi River Answer: B

7 Question Which of the following was a representative assembly in colonial Virginia? A. Magna Carta B. House of Burgesses C. Mayflower Compact Answer: B

8 Answer: C Question Which of the following statements is FALSE:
A. Pilgrims came to the new world in search of religious freedom. B. The government of the Plymouth colony was established through the Mayflower Compact. C. Pilgrims came from France. Answer: C

9 Question The first permanent English settlement in the New World was: A. Roanoke B. Jamestown C. Massachusetts Bay Colony Answer: B

10 Answer: C Question Which of the following statements is TRUE:
A. Southern plantations grew wheat and barley. B. The Southern colonies were known as the Breadbasket colonies. C. Middle colonies were the center of manufacturing. Answer: C

11 Question What Native American tribe did Pocahontas belong to? A. Croatan B. Wampanoag C. Powhatan Answer: B

12 Question Which of the following would be LEAST likely to be found in a Southern colony? A. plantation B. slaves C. Shipbuilders Answer: C

13 Question English colonists showed their concern for education by A. setting up public schools in the Southern colonies B. requiring that all children go to school instead of learning a trade. C. Passing a law in Massachusetts to set up the first public school Answer: C

14 Question Which region is the MOST likely to produce more food than was needed and could export their extra supplies? A. New England colonies B. Middle Colonies C. Southern Colonies Answer: B

15 Question Which of the following colonies would be MOST LIKELY to be tolerant of different religions? A. Massachusetts B. Connecticut C. Pennsylvania D. Both B and C Answer: D

16 Answer: C Question Which New England colony was MOST democratic?
A. Massachusetts B. Connecticut C. Rhode Island D. Georgia Answer: C

17 You finished the Review!!!

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