segments <= " "; a 1 turns on the led when "0001" => segments <= " "; -- 1 when "0010" => segments <= " "; -- 2 when "0011" => segments <= " "; -- 3 when "0100" => segments <= " "; -- 4 when "0101" => segments <= " "; -- 5 when "0110" => segments <= " "; -- 6 when "0111" => segments <= " "; -- 7 when "1000" => segments <= " "; -- 8 when "1001" => segments <= " "; -- 9 when "1010" => segments <= " "; -- a when "1011" => segments <= " "; -- b when "1100" => segments <= " "; -- c when "1101" => segments <= " "; -- d when "1110" => segments <= " "; -- e when "1111" => segments <= " "; -- f when others => segments <= " "; -- all off end case; end process; an <= not segments(1); bn <= not segments(2); cn <= not segments(3); dn <= not segments(4); en <= not segments(5); fn <= not segments(6); gn <= not segments(7); end rtl"> segments <= " "; a 1 turns on the led when "0001" => segments <= " "; -- 1 when "0010" => segments <= " "; -- 2 when "0011" => segments <= " "; -- 3 when "0100" => segments <= " "; -- 4 when "0101" => segments <= " "; -- 5 when "0110" => segments <= " "; -- 6 when "0111" => segments <= " "; -- 7 when "1000" => segments <= " "; -- 8 when "1001" => segments <= " "; -- 9 when "1010" => segments <= " "; -- a when "1011" => segments <= " "; -- b when "1100" => segments <= " "; -- c when "1101" => segments <= " "; -- d when "1110" => segments <= " "; -- e when "1111" => segments <= " "; -- f when others => segments <= " "; -- all off end case; end process; an <= not segments(1); bn <= not segments(2); cn <= not segments(3); dn <= not segments(4); en <= not segments(5); fn <= not segments(6); gn <= not segments(7); end rtl">
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디 지 털 시 스 템 설 계 UP2 Kit를 이용한 카운터 설계
충 북 대 학 교 송 기 용
Clock 설계 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity clockdiv is port ( clk25mhz: in std_logic; clk: out std_logic); end clockdiv; architecture rtl of clockdiv is constant max: integer := ; constant half: integer := max/2; signal count: integer range 0 to max; begin process wait until clk25mhz'event and clk25mhz = '1'; if count < max then count <= count + 1; else count <= 0; end if; if count < half then clk <= '0'; clk <= '1'; end process; end rtl;
decoder 설계 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity decoder is port ( i: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); bit input to decoder an,bn,cn,dn,en,fn,gn: out std_logic); -- the 7-segment outputs "abcdefg" end decoder; architecture rtl of decoder is signal segments: std_logic_vector(1 to 7); begin process(i) case i is when "0000" => segments <= " "; a 1 turns on the led when "0001" => segments <= " "; -- 1 when "0010" => segments <= " "; -- 2 when "0011" => segments <= " "; -- 3 when "0100" => segments <= " "; -- 4 when "0101" => segments <= " "; -- 5 when "0110" => segments <= " "; -- 6 when "0111" => segments <= " "; -- 7 when "1000" => segments <= " "; -- 8 when "1001" => segments <= " "; -- 9 when "1010" => segments <= " "; -- a when "1011" => segments <= " "; -- b when "1100" => segments <= " "; -- c when "1101" => segments <= " "; -- d when "1110" => segments <= " "; -- e when "1111" => segments <= " "; -- f when others => segments <= " "; -- all off end case; end process; an <= not segments(1); bn <= not segments(2); cn <= not segments(3); dn <= not segments(4); en <= not segments(5); fn <= not segments(6); gn <= not segments(7); end rtl
counter 설계 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity counter is port ( clock: in std_logic; input clock source clear: in std_logic; clear counter to 0 count: in std_logic; to count q: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- output of the counter overflow: out std_logic); end counter; architecture rtl of counter is signal countvalue: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); to remember the count as a 4-bit value begin process(clock,clear,count) if (clear = '1' ) then countvalue <= "0000"; reset the count to 0 when resetn is low elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then if (count = '1') then countvalue <= countvalue + "0001"; -- increment the count by 1 end if; end process; overflow <= '1' when countvalue = "1111" else '0'; q <= countvalue; assign the count to the counter output end rtl;
ENTITY up2flex IS PORT ( Clock_25MHz: IN STD_LOGIC; ResetN: IN STD_LOGIC; StopN: IN STD_LOGIC; aN,bN,cN,dN,eN,fN,gN,Overflow: OUT STD_LOGIC; Vcc: OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 TO 8)); END up2flex; ARCHITECTURE structural OF up2flex IS -- declares the three components to use COMPONENT Clockdiv PORT ( Clk25Mhz: IN STD_LOGIC; Clk: OUT STD_LOGIC); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT Counter PORT ( Clock: IN STD_LOGIC; Clear: IN STD_LOGIC; Count: IN STD_LOGIC; Q: OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); Overflow: OUT STD_LOGIC); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT Decoder PORT ( I: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); aN,bN,cN,dN,eN,fN,gN: OUT STD_LOGIC); -- internal signals for doing the connections between the components SIGNAL Clock,Reset,Over: STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL Q: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN -- use structural level coding to connect the three components together U0: Clockdiv PORT MAP (Clock_25MHz,Clock); U1: Counter PORT MAP (Clock,Reset,StopN,Q,Over); U2: Decoder PORT MAP (Q,aN,bN,cN,dN,eN,fN,gN); Reset <= NOT ResetN; Overflow <= NOT over; Vcc <= " "; END structural;
이름 성 회사이름 이메일주소 전화번호 주소 도시 나라
이름 성 회사이름 이메일주소 전화번호 주소 도시 나라
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