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Dark Current Experiment Preliminary Design Review

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1 Dark Current Experiment Preliminary Design Review

2 Goals of the Review Demonstrate that we know how to measure dark current Choose preferred experiment setups Choose items to purchase Generate actions 5 July 2019

3 Definition of Dark Current
Dark current is the signal that accumulates linearly in the absence of any light source Important contributors to dark current include Charge diffusion, Thermal generation-recombination (GR) of charges within the semiconductor, & Small leakage currents Strictly speaking, dark current does not include effects such as amplifier glow and multiplexer glow. Nevertheless, these effects have much the same effect as dark current and therefore require good characterization. 5 July 2019

4 The importance of Reference Pixels
Experience by G. Finger, D. Hall, and others has shown that reference pixels are necessary for measuring dark current at ultra-low background levels Reference pixels shall be used in a manner TBD to suppress correlated noise and drifts to a level well below the rms noise in each frame. The next two slides illustrate the importance of reference pixels. 5 July 2019

5 Darkcurrent Measurement using open In bump bonds
Triangles: measured integration ramp Diamonds: dead pixels Open In bump bonds are used to monitor drifts Squares: drift corrected integration ramp darkcurrent at 28.5 K: e/s/pixel This slide courtesy of Gert Finger, ESO 5 July 2019

6 Darkcurrent Measurement using open In bump bonds
Triangles: measured integration ramp Open In bump bonds are used to monitor drifts Squares: drift corrected integration ramp darkcurrent at 25 K: e/s/pixel 5 July 2019

7 NGST Requirements from NGST Doc. 641
NGST does not have a dark current requirement. Rather, total rms noise including contributions from read noise and dark current in a 1000 seconds exposure should satisfy the aforementioned requirements. 5 July 2019

8 Dark Current Experiment Requirements
It shall be possible to measure the dark current of a detector meeting the NGST Project’s requirements to 10% accuracy. Assume 1/√2 of total = 2.5 e- in a 1000 s exposure is shot noise on dark current idark = 3.12510-3 e-/s/pixel This implies a requirement on light-tightness of the detector head enclosure =3.12510-4 e-/s/pixel 5 July 2019

9 Dark Current Experiment Requirements
There are implied requirements on per sample read noise The procedure (described later) will be to take samples at ~15 minute intervals for several (~4) hours and to fit a line. For this experiment, the per-sample rms noise requirement is =4.9 e- Reference pixel corrections shall be made so that drifts are negligible compared to rms noise Least Square Line Fitting 5 July 2019

10 Proposed Experiment Procedure
Blank off detector If detector has been warm or exposed to light in past 24 hours, drain depletion regions by allowing enough time (TBD) for trapped charge to randomly bleed out of traps (24 hours?). Stabilize detector bias and temperature Obtain bias/dark MULTIACCUM ramp exposure as follows 5 July 2019

11 Summary of Requirements
5 July 2019

12 Proposed Experiment Variations
The following would be decided early on and frozen Length of ramp Number of samples (TBD) at each point on ramp Select 1 pixel and do not clock (Cannot use reference pixels when doing this) The following would be done for each detector Temperature: 3 levels covering NGST range Bias levels: 2 levels covering NGST requirement =6104 e- and goal =2105 e- for well capacity Sample spacing along ramp: 2 spacings ~7.5 min and ~15 min to allow separating intrinsic dark current from glow Combinations: 12 combinations per detector -> Approx. 1 week per SCA. Dewar is big enough for 4 SCAs, could save time by testing 4 detectors at a time. 5 July 2019

13 Proposed Experiment Duration
Dominant step in terms of schedule is length of ramp Time estimate: 6 days per SCA (excluding cooldown/warm up) Extended scope: Single pixel readout using custom hardware reference Use of off-chip pre-amp 5 July 2019

14 Proposed Experiment Designs
Standard TFST hardware (dewar, Leach controller, etc.) Blank off “top” for detector enclosure Blank off “top” must include a light-tight vent to allow pumping. Alternatively, a slide can be closed once the system is fully under vacuum. 5 July 2019

15 Data Reduction/Analysis Procedure
Data collected in passthrough mode Reference pixel correction (TBD) Fit slope on per-pixel basis 5 July 2019

16 Expected Performance (Accuracy)
Requirements have been set to allow ~10% accuracy measuring NGST’s goal total noise May be limited by light leaks 5 July 2019

17 Schedule Dark current is a fundamental parameter that directly effects sensitivity. Should be one of the first “real” experiments done in lab. 5 July 2019

18 Costs (Shopping List) “Top” for detector head 5 July 2019

19 Risks System may not be light tight Bias may be insufficiently stable
Potential for major reworks in detector head. Can mitigate this risk by using aluminized tape for critical joints if found to be necessary. Bias may be insufficiently stable Can mitigate this with simple custom voltage reference if found to be necessary. 5 July 2019

20 Actions 5 July 2019

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