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Histopathology of the dural mass

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1 Histopathology of the dural mass
Histopathology of the dural mass.A, Lesion is composed of attenuated infiltrate of lymphoplasmacytic cells and histiocytic cells with pale granular cytoplasms (arrows).B, Histiocytic cells occasionally show emperipolesis (lymphocytophagocytosis) (arrows).C,... Histopathology of the dural mass.A, Lesion is composed of attenuated infiltrate of lymphoplasmacytic cells and histiocytic cells with pale granular cytoplasms (arrows).B, Histiocytic cells occasionally show emperipolesis (lymphocytophagocytosis) (arrows).C, Histiocytic cell with emperipolesis (arrows) is immunopositive for S-100 protein. Eiichi Konishi et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2003;24: ©2003 by American Society of Neuroradiology

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