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4. How do we support staff and monitor progress?

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Presentation on theme: "4. How do we support staff and monitor progress?"— Presentation transcript:

1 District Continuous Improvement (MMD/DCI) for Improved Student Learning
4. How do we support staff and monitor progress? ___________________________________ 3. How do we get there? (Our Strategies) _________________________ 2. Where are we going? 1. Where are we now? (CSIP Goals/CWIS Data) __________________________ ___________________________ MMD/DCI Focus 1 MMD/DCI Focus 2 District CSIP Goals CWIS (add link to results) Self-Assessment/Practice Profiles (SAPP) Virtual Learning Platform (VLP)

2 District Continuous Improvement (MMD/DCI) for Improved Student Learning
Focus on effective instruction leading to exceptional outcomes for ALL Missouri students. Foundations Collaborative Teams Common Formative Assessments Data-Based Decision Making Effective Teaching & Learning Practices Developing Assessment Capable Learners (Feedback) Metacognition Supportive Content School Based Implementation Coaching Collective Teacher Efficacy Leadership See Blueprint for District and Building Leadership, p. 8.

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