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Clinical Engagement 15th July 2015 Robin A Howe

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Presentation on theme: "Clinical Engagement 15th July 2015 Robin A Howe"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinical Engagement 15th July 2015 Robin A Howe
Antimicrobial use in Primary Care

2 Who to engage and why...

3 Improve the appropriate use of antimicrobials
Who to engage and why... Improve the appropriate use of antimicrobials

4 Define their issue


6 c.Diff 2013/14

7 Show your issue

8 Total AB usage 2013

9 Link the issues

10 First gen ceph cefalexin and cephradine

11 All-Wales AB usage


13 Add an issue

14 Co-amoxiclav resistance in E. coli from Blood Cultures



17 Show that improvement possible

18 UHW Monthly C. difficile
New Antibiotic Policy

19 Llandough Monthly C. difficile
New Antibiotic Policy


21 Show local data

22 UHW Broad spectrum AB (DDDs)

23 MAU audit

24 Change in antibiotic guidelines
Reduce the use of Co-amoxiclav (Augmentin®) The main aims of this change are to reduce the current number of c.difficile cases, to reduce resistance towards co-amoxiclav and to improve overall antimicrobial stewardship -removing a default “one size fits all” antibiotic option New guidelines will recommend replacing co-amoxiclav with different antibiotics, depending on the indication Doxycycline Amoxicillin Metronidazole Gentamicin Co-trimoxazole ONE SIZE Fits all-antibiotic - no brainer!

25 Show improvement

26 UHW 2013 PPS

27 UHW 2014 PPS

28 Four C’s

29 Meropenem and Tazocin spend

30 Llandough Monthly C. difficile
New Antibiotic Policy

31 UHW Monthly C. difficile
New Antibiotic Policy

32 Before introducing a change, know how you are going to measure the impact

33 Information available
Antibiotic usage data from pharmacy systems Direct or via NWIS

34 Total AB usage 2013

35 Information available
Antibiotic usage data from pharmacy systems Direct or via NWIS Antibiotic usage data from annual PPS


37 Information available
Antibiotic usage data from pharmacy systems Direct or via NWIS Antibiotic usage data from annual PPS Process measures from annual PPS

38 Reason for prescription recorded in notes

39 Treatment for >7 days

40 Surgical prophylaxis >24 hours

41 Information available
Antibiotic usage data from pharmacy systems Direct or via NWIS Antibiotic usage data from annual PPS Process measures from annual PPS Local audits of usage or process

42 Local feedback of data is important for supporting behaviour change

43 Simple usage data (Leeds)
Long term trends (12 mth) Trust Medicine Onc-Surg Spec Surg WCHN Total higher risk HCAI antibiotics -16% -18% -20% -11% 1st gen cephalosporins (CDI) -30% -33% -43% -47% 2nd gen cephalosporins (CDI) -49% -56% -44% -69% -23% 3rd gen cephalosporins (CDI>MRSA) -4% -34% 73% 11% Ciprofloxacin (MRSA>CDI) -40% -41% -42% -14% Clindamycin -21% 28% -38 Co-amoxiclav (CDI) 57% 19% 93% 173% 139% Meropenem (MRSA) 0% -2% 18% 16% Piperacillin-tazobactam (MRSA) 36% 42% 40% 25% 10% decrease +/- 10% >10% increase

44 Colour coding reports with recommendations (Norwich)
Speciality No of Rx in audit Duration – All prescriptions to include a stop/review date Indication – All prescriptions to include recorded indication Policy – All prescriptions in line with Trust approved policy/guidelines Overall % compliance Division 1 Dermatology 1 100% Endocrinology 3 0% 67% 56% Gastroenterology 9 22% 78% 89% 63% MFE 29 69% 90% 86% Nephrology 15 93% 87% Neurology 2 50% 84% Respiratory 10 40% 70% Division 2 Head neck/plastics T & O Vascular 96% Overall compliance All specialties 82 88% 99% 81% % overall compliance Colour Action required Recommended action 0% - 49% Red Organisational priority Re-audit following week, escalate as per policy 50% - 70% Dark amber Urgent action required Training, reminder slips and quarterly monitoring 71% - 99% Light amber Continue quarterly monitoring 100% Green Full compliance

45 Conclusions Lots of data is available
Presentation needs to be adapted to the audience and aim. Snapshot data can have a message Temporal data required to show or encourage change Arprogramme happy to help with data supply and advise about presentation


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