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Floream Days.

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Presentation on theme: "Floream Days."— Presentation transcript:

1 Floream Days

2 Floream Days - The Idea A 24 hour event where IT employees deliver innovation for Floream. Employees are allowed to work on anything they are enthusiastic about. Employees can work on their own or within groups Only condition is that Employees show the result to the Team at of their Floream Day

3 Floream Days - Event Rules
Open to all of Floream’s IT Employees Event is over a 24hr period. Staff won’t be disturbed for regular work Employees must adhere throughout to Floream’s “IT Policies Document and Agreement” policy Employees must be on site during regular work hours

4 Floream Days - Schedule
First Event to be held on the 26th of June 2015 The success will determine if it happens again and the schedule i.e. monthly, quarterly, etc…

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