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Socialising the EU budget

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1 Socialising the EU budget
Conference ‘Integrating the European Pillar of Social Rights into the roadmap for deepening Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union’ Brussels, 4 July 2019 Bart Vanhercke, European Social Observatory

2 Net contributors vs. net beneficiaries
27/07/2019 The Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) as a political arena constrained by overlapping sets of interests Net contributors vs. net beneficiaries Member States like to control the spending (‘their money’) New social needs/programmes to be added Brexit (?)

3 A conservative approach in the MFF: “carry on”
27/07/2019 A conservative approach in the MFF: “carry on” (or in fact doing more with less?)

4 European structural and investment (ESI) funds:
27/07/2019 European structural and investment (ESI) funds: new features Simplified rules to access ESI funds (“revolution”?) Creation of the ESF+: increased policy complementarity, more flexibility, enhanced link with the European Pillar of Social Rights Stronger link with the European Semester: targeting and increased steering capacity (but maintaining macroeconomic conditionality, at least on paper) New allocation criteria in the Common Provisions Regulation

5 “Social investment” in the proposed MFF (with a magnifying glass)
27/07/2019 “Social investment” in the proposed MFF (with a magnifying glass) Erasmus +: increased investment in human capital European Globalisation adjustment Fund (EGF): higher budget, larger scope, simplified rules New social investment and skills: (small) window in “InvestEU”: 4 billion EUR

6 A budget falling short of ambition?
27/07/2019 ESI funds’ goal is regional cohesion and convergence, but its allocation remains largely GDP-led Also youth unemployment, low education level, climate change and the reception and integration of migrants Persistence of “macroeconomic conditionality” attached to the funds Continues to make cohesion funding dependent on respecting the European economic governance rules Integration of the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) and Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) into the ESF+ Risks undermining the initial objectives and visibility of these “flagship” programmes Price to be paid for increased policy complementarity?

7 A budget falling short of ambition?
27/07/2019 A budget falling short of ambition? Erasmus + Still lack inclusiveness (disadvantaged groups, persons with disability etc.) European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF): Budget too low: EP proposal to create an ‘EU Transition Support Fund’ (budget tripled for period) Child Guarantee: Missing (EP proposed 5.9 bn EUR budget) InvestEU: Will mobilize 50 bn public/private investments, but EU needs 142 bn per annum in social investment High-Level Task Force on Investing in Social Infrastructure in Europe

8 Questions/recommendations for the debate
27/07/2019 Questions/recommendations for the debate Increase overall allocation of resources to the ESF+ with a view to introducing a budgetary line on a ‘Children’s Initiative’ to finance a Child Guarantee, in line with European Parliament proposal. Introducing an exemption from the application of macroeconomic conditionality for all ESF+ spending. Increase the EU contribution to the ESF+ when a country is experiencing a macroeconomic downturn.

9 European Social Observatory
27/07/2019 European Social Observatory Authors: Sebastiano Sabato, Francesco Corti, Bart Vanhercke and Slavina Spasova Free download of the report from the EESC website

10 Opinion papers Research papers Briefing papers
Download our publications, Newsletters and events agenda from (EN-FR) Opinion papers Research papers Briefing papers

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