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Overview of WG3a activities Upper air physical aspects

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1 Overview of WG3a activities Upper air physical aspects
COSMO General Meeting 2012, Lugano

2 WG3a activities Diagnostic Boundary layer Microphysics Radiation
Deep convection and grid scale precipitation Diagnostic

3 Seifert, Blahak, Frick, Köhler
WG3a workplan (1) Subject Institution (contact person) Status Brief Description Reorganization and maintenance of the turbulence scheme DWD M. Raschendorfer Ongoing Introducing the concept of scale separation and interaction terms accounting from other sub-grid scale phenomena in the TKE equation. Interactions terms (shear, SSO wake) have already been formulated and tested. This year efforts are concentrated on interaction term from convection . Technical compliancy with ICON code. Modification of the surface-layer transfer parameterisations, including the reformulation and tuning of the laminar-layer resistance Started The primary aim is to improve the scheme performance in stable stratification. Microphysics and precipitation parametrizations Seifert, Blahak, Frick, Köhler Some parts will be in operation soon (2-moment micro) New microphysics schemes of different complexity have been developed for the COSMO model (2 moments, adding concentration of raindrops to the actual Graupel-Scheme. New melting scheme is still under development, and has to potential to improve forecasts of precipitation phase and snow density. Improved cirrus cloud microphysics Saturation adjustment. Addition of phase term changes in the pressure tendency eq. Blahak Addressing mass conservation issues in physical tendencies

4 V. Romaniello, L. Torrisi (INGV-CNMCA)
WG3a workplan (2) Subject Institution (contact person) Status Brief Description Sensitivity of SST coupling V. Romaniello, L. Torrisi (INGV-CNMCA) Ongoing Case studies with strong air-sea interaction over the Mediterranean sea has been analysed showing strong sensitivity of SST variation during the forecast Use of monthly areosol climatology Helmert (DWD) Implemented (?) Update areosol climatology

5 Current and new Priority Projects
UTCS PP (introduction of TKE-Scalar Variance scheme) is due to end this year ConSat PT (Consolidation of Surface to Atmosphere Transfer) has been submitted to STC for approval as PT

6 A diagnostic study on the boundary layer representation in
COSMO: comparison with San Pietro Capofiume observations F. Tampieri, O. Drofa CNR-ISAC G. Bonafè, D. Cesari, F. Grazzini,T. Paccagnella, ARPA-SIMC WG3a session, COSMO General Meeting, LUGANO 2012

7 Case studies selection
07-09 January 2012 : Anticyclonic conditions with clear sky in obs and model, dry soil. Large underestimation of T2m during day time, over estimation during nigh time 17-19 January 2012 : Typical anticyclonic foggy conditions. Persistent and elevated strong inversion at 1500 m.

8 Clear sky case

9 Clear sky case


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