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Non Verbal Communication KOPPACT

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Presentation on theme: "Non Verbal Communication KOPPACT"— Presentation transcript:

1 Non Verbal Communication KOPPACT
K- Kinesics O- Oculesics P- Paralanguage P- Proxemics A- Artifacts C- Chronemics T- Tactilics

2 Gestures Hand Gestures – Enumerative ,Descriptive , Symbolic, Locative
Head Nod Shoulder Shrug

3 Gestures

4 Postures Posture means the way in which someone usually stand , sit or walk Postures can suggest whether one is relaxed or tensed up, enthused or feeling low. Sitting or standing with head erect suggests self-confidence, dignity and determination. ** At interviews, the candidates postures entering the room, sitting in the chair and responding to the questions convey a lot of significant details about their personality.

5 Oculesics Eye contact is very subtle aspect of body language. It regulates interaction. We like to maintain eye contact with the speaker if the topic of discussion is pleasant, but in unpleasant situations, we tend to look sideways or lower our eyes. Influential and high-status people maintain high levels of eye contact. Eye contact indicates our willingness to interact while its absence suggests the desire to withdraw. Good eye contact suggests self confidence, friendship, interest, affection. On the other hand absence of eye contact suggests inattentiveness, guilt, impatience.

6 Eyes are the windows to the soul
Fixed eyes- concentration Raised eyes-surprise or fear Smiling eyes-happiness

7 Proxemics Space communicates in its own way
Communication experts call it ‘Proxemics’ Distance between sender-receiver Space is called proximity

8 Proxemics Intimate (physical contact to 18’) Personal(18’ to 4 ft.)
Social (4 to 12 ft) Public ( 12 ft to …) as far as one can see or hear

9 Para linguistics The term paralanguage refers to a wide range of vocal characteristics like tone, pitch, speed of delivery, the use of pauses, word stress, etc. Great orators know how to use these cues effectively.

10 Pitch:(Direction of Pitch, Range of Pitch--Highness and lowness of voice, loudness, tension, resonance) Speed/Rate: (How fast you are speaking?) Volume: (How loudly or softly?) Pause: (Voice Quality: Even in Telephone) Stress: (Volume and pitch: Amount you emphasis placed in words) **example: I like him very much



13 Time (Chronemics) Study of how we use time to communicate
Time is money in business environment Time management is important



16 Tactilics Tactile communication is a form of nonverbal communication and the way by which people and animals communicate via touching. Touch is the most effective means to communicate feelings and emotions. The withholding of touch may communicate a variety of negative feelings.

17 Touch in Humans Friendship-Warmth Touch Professional-Functional Touch
Social-Polite Touch Love-Intimacy Touch

18 Guidelines to Improve Non Verbal Communication
Feedback from friends Monitor yourself (Monitor your non verbal communication Learn to interpret other Audio tape/Video tape of own voice and presentations

19 Thank You

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