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Vocabulary/Word Wall 2.5 English 2, Grade 10.

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1 Vocabulary/Word Wall 2.5 English 2, Grade 10

2 Word Wall 2.5 Tragedy (n.) A play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending, esp. one concerning the downfall of the main character. What are some examples of a tragedy?

3 1. Lexicon (n.) A dictionary; a specialized vocabulary used in a particular field or place. The Pidgin English we are familiar with in the Hawaiian Islands has a rich lexicon of words which originate in the diverse languages of pre-statehood plantations

4 2. Obscure (adj) Not discovered or known about; uncertain.
My grandmother makes obscure references to old movies; I don’t think she even understands what she’s talking about!

5 3. Ominous (adj.) Threatening; foreboding evil
By the time we reached our favorite fishing spot between La Perouse Bay and the lighthouse, the bright, sunny sky had darkened to an ominous gray.

6 4. Evince (v.) To demonstrate clearly; to prove
Your persuasive speeches must evince your opinion convincingly in order to win your audience!

7 5. Arduous (adj.) Difficult; requiring much effort
Often students find that writing a good 5-paragraph essay is as arduous as speed and quickness drills.

8 Root Words Anima: soul, or life Act: do or move

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