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Cell The Cell is the basic unit of life They make up all living things

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1 Cell The Cell is the basic unit of life They make up all living things
Hooke-1st person to name the cells (studied cork) There are around 75 trillion cells in the human body.

2 Cell theory (3 parts) 1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells 2. The cell is the basic unit of organization of organisms 3. All cells must come from preexisting cells

3 Examples of cells

4 Organelles (means tiny organs)
Structures that make up the inside of the cell

5 All cells are divided into 2 groups:
Prokaryotic cells (prokaryote) -cells that lack organelles surrounded by a membrane (no nucleus, DNA is spread out) -prokaryotes are made of 1 cell (unicellular) -bacteria are the only prokaryotes

6 Eukaryotic cells (eukaryote)
-cells that have a membrane around the organelles (has a true nucleus) -most organisms have this type of cell -most are composed of more than 1 cell (multicellular) -each organelle has a specific function

7 Plant and animal cells:

8 Cell organelles and functions
Animal and plants have the same cell parts except for the following: Plant cells 1. chloroplast for photosynthesis 2. cell wall to protect and support

9 Animal cells have the following that plants lack:
Flagella and cilia Flagella-long whip-like tails for movement (usually only 1) Cilia- short whip-like tail (usually many of these)

10 Parts found in both plant and animal cells

11 cytoplasm Cyto (means cell) plasm (semi-liquid) the semi-liquid part of the cell that the organelles are found in (like jello) function: protects organelles

12 CELL Membrane -1st layer of animal cell and is the 2nd layer of a plant cell -is also called the plasma membrane function: regulates what enters and leaves the cell Animal cell

13 Nucleus Nucleus- large organelle toward center of cell.
Functions: controls cell processes and houses DNA DNA-genetic material of cell

14 Parts of nucleus: Nuclear envelope- surrounds the outside of the nucleus function: regulates what enters and leaves the nucleus Nuclear pores- openings in the nuclear envelope (also called nuclear membrane) function: allow substances to pass Nucleolus- found inside the nucleus function: produces ribosomes

15 vacuole Large hollow areas Function: storage

16 lysosomes Look like M & M’s
Function: float around in cytoplasm digesting waste

17 ribosomes Tiny dots located throughout cytoplasm and on endoplasmic reticulum Function: make proteins

18 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Looks like stacks of worms joined together there are 2 types: rough endoplasmic reticulum- has ribosome on surface smooth endoplasmic reticulum- lacks ribosomes Function: Smooth ER- transports proteins Rough ER- makes And transports proteins

19 Golgi bodies Also called the golgi apparatus and golgi complex
Function: packages proteins

20 mitochondria structure shaped like peanut
Function: powerhouse of cell/supplies energy

21 Centrioles Look like twizzlers
Function: spindles Attach to these in mitosis

22 microtubules Micro (small) tubules (like tubes)
Make up the cell’s skeleton Function: support and aids in mitosis

23 Vesicle Function: used to bring in substances and to expel waste from the cell


25 Study chart. If don’t have a chart, study notes
Cell function test Tomorrow!! Study chart. If don’t have a chart, study notes








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