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Blended learning 2 Generating a need to know and sustaining interest and affective engagement.

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1 Blended learning 2 Generating a need to know and sustaining interest and affective engagement

2 Affective engagement - Getting started
, commonly involves generating a “need to know.” Some methods: – an intriguing puzzle or problem – a current or past-contentious issue – an open-ended problem solving activity – deficiencies in the current explanation –starting with what they do and do not know – students’ questions or opinions (especially if in conflict) – high relevance to their personal lives – important to something they need to be able to do in the future – a dramatic experience

3 Sustaining affective engagement: Five sources of student interest
challenge variety shared ownership/intellectual control relevance importance

4 Challenge A sense of intellectual challenge, and of regular progress in meeting the challenge This means there is a focus on the big ideas/key skills and on progress in learning about these -I am getting somewhere

5 Variety Change in procedure (type of task), resources used, class organization, teacher style.

6 A sense of shared intellectual control.
There are many ways of achieving this:  work from students’ ideas and experiences promote and use student questions and suggestions students modify or extend a task or activity give students choices over aspects of the work the students work out part or all of the content or the instructions.

7 Relevance To their personal lives To society
They have views/opinions in the area They have expertise in the area

8 Importance Do I need this for: A future job
Some other aspect of future life Something they are doing now do not overplay this

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