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Genetic Disorders & Mutations

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1 Genetic Disorders & Mutations
Mrs. Harper Biology 2/26/18

2 December 7, 2015 Download notes Begin working on Do Now

3 Do Now 12/7/15 1. How did you feel you did on your quiz? What grade did you hope to achieve? 2. What is the central dogma of biology? 3. Review: What is a mutation? 4. What are the three point mutations? 5. What are the four chromosomal mutations? 6. What is nondisjunction? 7. What is a somatic mutation? 8. What is a germ mutation?

4 Causes of Genetic Mutations
Random events Mutations are spontaneous, they mostly happen by accident Environment Factors Exposure to specific chemicals/radiation

5 Effects of Having Genetic Disorders
Health problems and shorter life span Frequent medical attention Discrimination/ Social Stigma due to abnormalities

6 Nondisjunction Nondisjunction is the failure of homologous chromosomes to separate properly during meiosis I, meiosis II or mitosis. Results in daughter cells having abnormal chromosome numbers.

7 Examples of Nondisjunction
1. Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)- extra chromosome on the 21st pair 2. Turner Syndrome- loss of an entire X chromosome 3. Klinefelter Syndrome- adds an extra X chromosome to a male (XXY)

8 Types of Mutations Somatic mutations- occur in body cells, are NOT passed onto offspring Example: Cancer Germ mutations- occurs in sex cells (gametes), they CAN be passed onto offspring Example: Colorblindness, Hemophilia

9 Karyotypes Illustration of all the chromosomes inside a person’s cells. Used to identify and diagnose genetic disorders

10 EOC Practice -Extra chromosomes is due to a failure to separate during mitosis. -Which mutation is this?

11 EOC Practice -The bottom part of the chromosome is missing on the mutated chromosome. -Which mutation is this?

12 EOC Practice -Chromosome 21 has three instead of 2 chromosomes
-This is Down’s Syndrome, which is which type of mutation?

13 Assignment Use the information given on genetic disorders to complete the chart. UNIT 4 TEST IS THURSDAY!!! Cri du chat syndrome Infants cry like a cat Chromosome 5 Deletion/Deficiency

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