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NASCAR Fans are Motorcycle Enthusiasts

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1 NASCAR Fans are Motorcycle Enthusiasts
Prepared by NASCAR Analytics & Insights PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION FOR INTERNAL BUSINESS USE – DO NOT REPRODUCE, PUBLISH, OR DISTRIBUTE No logo cover page Option to include date or no date Reco Font: Arial

2 Research Overview MOTORCYCLE PARTICIPATION: NASCAR fans are more than twice as likely as non-fans to participate in motorcycling and they are more likely to participate every chance they get. MOTORCYCLE LICENSE: NASCAR fans are 2.5x as likely as non-fans to have a motorcycle license. MOTORCYCLE OWNERSHIP: NASCAR fans are 2.5x as likely as non-fans to own a motorcycle. MOTORCYCLE-RELATED SPORTS: NASCAR fans are multiple times as likely as non-fans to watch motorcycle-related sports.

3 Motorcycling Participation
NASCAR fans are more than twice as likely as non-fans to claim to have participated in motorcycling in the past year. Participated (past year) NASCAR Fans Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Motorcycling 11% 5% 220* Read: 11% of NASCAR fans claim to have participated in motorcycling in the past year compared to 5% of non-fans, a 220 index. In other words, NASCAR fans are more than twice as likely as non-fans to participate in motorcycling. Among those who participate in motorcycling, NASCAR fans are more likely than non-fans to participate in motorcycling every chance they get. Participate “Every Chance I Get” NASCAR Fans who Participate in Motorcycling Non-Fans who Participate in Motorcycling Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Motorcycling 51% 35% 146* Read: Among those who participate in motorcycling, 51% of NASCAR fans claim they participate in motorcycling every chance they get compared to 35% of non-fans, a 146 index. In other words, NASCAR fans who participate in motorcycling are +46% more likely than non-fans who participate in motorcycling to participate in motorcycling every chance they get. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

4 Motorcycle License NASCAR fans are 2.5x as likely as non-fans to have a motorcycle license. Have a Motorcycle License NASCAR Fans Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Have a motorcycle license 15% 6% 250* Read: 15% of NASCAR fans claim to have a motorcycle license compared to 6% of non-fans, a 250 index. In other words, NASCAR fans are more than 2.5x as likely as non-fans to have a motorcycle license. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

5 NASCAR Fans who Own a Motorcycle Non-Fans who Own a Motorcycle
Motorcycle Ownership NASCAR fans are more than 2.5x as likely as non-fans to own a motorcycle. Own a Motorcycle NASCAR Fans Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Own a motorcycle 13% 5% 260* Read: 13% of NASCAR fans claim to own a motorcycle compared to 5% of non-fans, a 260 index. In other words, NASCAR fans are more than 2.5x as likely as non-fans to own a motorcycle. Among those who own a motorcycle, NASCAR fans are just as likely as non-fans to have acquired a motorcycle recently. When Acquired Most Recent Motorcycle NASCAR Fans who Own a Motorcycle Non-Fans who Own a Motorcycle Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Acquired in past 2 years 23% 100 Read: Among those who own a motorcycle, 23% of NASCAR fans claim to have acquired their most recent motorcycle in the past 2 years compared to 23% of non-fans, a 100 index. In other words, NASCAR fans who own a motorcycle are just as likely as non-fans who own a motorcycle to have acquired a motorcycle recently. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

6 Motorcycle–Related Sports Consumption
NASCAR fans are multiple times as likely as non-fans to watch various motorsports involving motorcycles. Watch Motorsports Involving Motorcycles (claimed) NASCAR Fans Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans X-Games 12% 4% 300* Supercross 6% 1% 600* Arenacross 400* Read: 13% of NASCAR fans claim to watch the X-Games compared to 4% of non-fans, a 300 index. In other words, NASCAR fans are 3x as likely as non-fans to watch the X-Games. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015) and Scarborough (USA+ Release 1, 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

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