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CNS + PNS + Cranial Nerves

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Presentation on theme: "CNS + PNS + Cranial Nerves"— Presentation transcript:

1 CNS + PNS + Cranial Nerves

2 A. Central Nervous Sys (CNS)
Brain – central control Spinal cord – connects brain to body

3 Cross section – spinal cord

4 B. Peripheral Nervous Sys (PNS)
Outside the CNS 31 pair of spinal nerves 12 Cranial Nerves

5 B. PNS

6 CNS vs PNS

7 Cranial Nerves

8 C. Cranial Nerves CN #1. Olfactory smell 2. Optic vision 3. Occulomotor eye movement constriction of pupil 4. Trochlear 6. Abducens 5. Trigeminal chewing sensation in face

9 C. Cranial Nerves CN #7. Facial facial expression taste 8. Acoustic – also called vestibulocochlear hearing 9. Glossopharyngeal taste / gag reflex 10. Vagus swallowing / gag reflex / speaking 11. Accessory shrugging 12. Hypoglossal tongue movement

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