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שם הגננת: נטלי גוריבודסקי שם הסייעת: גאולה שמעוני

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Presentation on theme: "שם הגננת: נטלי גוריבודסקי שם הסייעת: גאולה שמעוני"— Presentation transcript:

1 שם הגננת: נטלי גוריבודסקי שם הסייעת: גאולה שמעוני
The Teacher: Natali Goribodsky The assistant: Geula Shimoni Fall in” Argaman” kindergarten-Akko - A journey to the olive tree

2 Studying the olive trees
They are hollow Their leaves have two colors Their trunk is rough Studying the olive trees

3 We measured the perimeter of the olive tree with a ribbon and we even found mushrooms on our way

4 Collecting the olives

5 We drew the trees

6 When we returned to our class, we continued measuring the tree
6 times Maya's foot 9 colors +one cover 11 cubes It perimeter is equal to 4 pieces of wood When we returned to our class, we continued measuring the tree

7 Art work following Mattie's work about Fall

8 To what can a leaf turn into?

9 Fall….

10 In our garden Young researchers The squill is blooming The composter
The sweet potato is growing on out Menorah Our herbs garden bed In our garden

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