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Biblical History of Retaliation

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2 Biblical History of Retaliation
Pre-Moses: Unlimited Retaliation Moses: Limited Retaliation=Eye for an eye (Ex, Lev, Deut-Matt 5:38) 1st Century: Limited Love=Love your neighbor, hate your enemy Jesus: Unlimited Love

3 Biblical History of Retaliation
Pre-Moses: Unlimited Retaliation Moses: Limited Retaliation=Eye for an eye (Ex, Lev, Deut-Matt 5:38) 1st Century: Limited Love=Love your neighbor, hate your enemy Jesus: Unlimited Love

4 Biblical History of Retaliation
Pre-Moses: Unlimited Retaliation Moses: Limited Retaliation=Eye for an eye (Ex, Lev, Deut-Matt 5:38) 1st Century: Limited Love=Love your neighbor, hate your enemy Jesus: Unlimited Love

5 Biblical History of Retaliation
Pre-Moses: Unlimited Retaliation Moses: Limited Retaliation=Eye for an eye (Ex, Lev, Deut-Matt 5:38) 1st Century: Limited Love=Love your neighbor, hate your enemy Jesus: Unlimited Love

6 Biblical History of Retaliation
Pre-Moses: Unlimited Retaliation Moses: Limited Retaliation=Eye for an eye (Ex, Lev, Deut-Matt 5:38) 1st Century: Limited Love=Love your neighbor, hate your enemy Jesus: Unlimited Love

7 Matthew 5:48 But you are to be perfect (teleoi=complete, all- encompassing), even as your Father in heaven is perfect (teleoi=complete, all- encompassing).

8 Matthew 5:38-39 “You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also.”







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