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Welcome to DEEPER LIFE BIBLE CHURCH, THE NETHERLANDS Year of A Bountiful Harvest National Leadership Training 11 May 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to DEEPER LIFE BIBLE CHURCH, THE NETHERLANDS Year of A Bountiful Harvest National Leadership Training 11 May 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to DEEPER LIFE BIBLE CHURCH, THE NETHERLANDS Year of A Bountiful Harvest National Leadership Training 11 May 2019

2 GOING OUT TO GROW OUT! – Acts 11:19-26
To go cold is to grow old; to go out is to grow out!

3 KEY THOUGHT The focus at this time is soul-winning: going far, sowing the seed, reaching the obvious, approaching the unlikely. There is no sacrifice that could be counted too great for the sake of evangelism. And we can never be wrong by evangelising: It is a business that is always relevant!

They were scattered. How did they eat? Where did they live? Their kids? The bible only tells us their ACTS: They travelled far: v19; 8:4,5,26,40 Reaching ‘their kind’: v19; Jn 4:28-30 And going beyond: v20; 1 Sam 14:6,7 Preaching Jesus: v20; 8:5,35 The Lord saving many: v21 If we also act, we will get miraculous results, for the Holy Ghost is here!

When something good is happening, tidings will and must reach Jerusalem! And Jerusalem must and did respond: Resources follow ministry: v22; 8:14 Tentmakers must respond: v22; 15:22 Seeing grace in converts: v23; 9:26-28 Added-value ministry: Impartation & Increase: v24; 8:14-17,25; 18:24-28 An exciting time is breaking forth. Our ministers must be ready to impart life!

The best way to conserve evangelistic fruit is through making disciples: Partnership in ministry: v25; 13:2 Centrality of teaching: v26; 19:8-10 Change by the word: v26; 20:20,21,32 Transformed lives speak! v26; 2 Cor 5:17; Gal 1:21-24 Our field is ripe. We must look beyond time. We must prepare ourselves to go far: labour, sow, reap, build & plant!

7 TIME TO PRAY! Deeper Life Bible Church The Netherlands
…earnestly contend for the FAITH which was once delivered unto the SAINTS (Jude 3)

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