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Primary 1/2 & Mrs Godon September Newsletter

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1 Primary 1/2 & Mrs Godon September Newsletter
Welcome to Primary 1/2’s Newsletter. We are all delighted to be back in school and already we are super busy. Primary 1 have settled in very nicely and the Primary 2 children have been excellent role models. We are a very happy class. Primary 1 are busy bees learning lots of sounds and numbers up to 10. We love learning to read and write and enjoy singing the number songs. Primary 2 are working on revising phonemes and working on numbers to although we sing a number song that goes up to 1 trillion!!!! Gym days are Wednesday and Thursdays. Well done to all the children who have their gym kit on their pegs. School Trip On Thursday the 17th of September we went on a trip to Almond Valley! What a great day. We met all the animals and learned all about Harvest. We got to pick potatoes and even take some home for dinner. Mrs Godon said we were all farmers for the day. We had lunch and then played in the play area...there was lots of sand, swinging, climbing , playing but most of all LOTS OF FUN. Sponsored Bounce This week we took part in a Sponsored Bounce. We were all smiling but was great to raise money for the school fund and have fun at the same time. Thank you so much to all the people that sponsored the children and a BIG thank you to the ladies from the Parent Council for organising a successful fundraiser. The children loved it!

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