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Three Harvests Genesis 8:22

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1 Three Harvests Genesis 8:22
The Bible uses the concept of a harvest to help us understand the seriousness of missed opportunities in the past, the importance of working in the present, and the nature of future judgment. Genesis 8:22

2 The Past Harvest The harvest of missed opportunity and the consequences of sin (Jeremiah 8:20) The consequences of sin (Prov. 22:8; Hosea 8:7-8) Missed opportunities due to fear, laziness or procrastination (Ecclesiastes 11:4; Prov. 10:5; 20:4) “Almost persuaded. Harvest is past” (#348)

3 The Present Harvest The harvest of reaping souls through evangelism (Matthew 9:36-38) It is motivated by compassion. It needs laborers. It is occurring in the present (John 4:35-36) “Far and near the fields are teeming” (#387) “Arise!” (#404)

4 The Future Harvest The Second Coming and Judgment Day (Matthew 13:24-43) Some in the field will be weeded out. The future harvest is coming… Suddenly with surprise (Matthew 24:36-44) With fierceness (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9) With joy (2 Thessalonians 1:10) There will be separation & finality (Mt. 25:46) “Are you sowing the seed of the Kingdom?” “…you must reap at the last great day” (#85)

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