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A Mouse Called Wolf Vocabulary Introduction

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1 A Mouse Called Wolf Vocabulary Introduction

2 A Mouse Called Wolf Vocabulary Activities
with white boards!

3 How We Will Play: You will work by yourself. Today, you will be using a white board. You about 15 seconds to write your answer on your white board. You will not hold up your board until I say “1, 2, 3, reveal!”

4 More on How We Will Play:
5. I will keep track of who answers the questions correctly. 6. After we go over the answer, you MUST write the answer down onto your recording sheet. 7. If you write other things on the white boards, your white board will be TAKEN AWAY. There are NO WARNINGS!

5 Choose the vocabulary word that correctly answers each question
Choose the vocabulary word that correctly answers each question. You will have to choose between 2 words.

6 1 Squinted or Inspected Which best describes how you would look at your watch to see the time on a bright day?

7 1 Squinted Which best describes how you would look at your watch to see the time on a bright day ?

8 2 Venture or Lure Are all of the following examples of things that would make you venture or lure you? Candy, a good grade, a swimming pool.

9 2 Lure Are all of the following examples of things that would make you venture or lure you? Candy, a good grade, a swimming pool.

10 3 Which best describes how you would want to look on your wedding day?
Awkward or Elegant Which best describes how you would want to look on your wedding day?

11 3 Which best describes how you would want to look on your wedding day?
Elegant Which best describes how you would want to look on your wedding day?

12 Awkward or Overwhelmed
4 Awkward or Overwhelmed Which best describes how you would feel if you had to find a new house and a new job after the hurricane?

13 4 Overwhelmed Which best describes how you would feel if you had to find a new house and a new job after the hurricane?

14 5 What would be more likely to describe someone WITHOUT a wristband?
Cautious or Deceitful What would be more likely to describe someone WITHOUT a wristband?

15 5 What would be more likely to describe someone WITHOUT a wristband?
Deceitful What would be more likely to describe someone WITHOUT a wristband?

16 6 Ponder or Inspect What would you need to do before you bought a new expensive outfit to make sure there wasn’t anything wrong with it?

17 6 Inspect What would you need to do before you bought a new expensive outfit to make sure there wasn’t anything wrong with it?

18 7 Awkward or Cautious What would be important for you to be if you were skiing for the first time so that you don’t hurt yourself?

19 7 Cautious What would be important for you to be if you were skiing for the first time so that you don’t hurt yourself?

20 8 Ponder or Venture Someone is standing inside thinking about whether they should go out into the thunderstorm. They are considering whether or not they should __________ outside.

21 8 Venture Someone is standing inside thinking about whether they should go out into the thunderstorm. They are considering whether or not they should __________ outside.

22 9 Gleaming or Awkward Which would you prefer your new car to be?

23 9 Gleaming Which would you prefer your new car to be?

24 10 Which best describes someone who is tripping on their shoelaces?
Elegant or Awkward Which best describes someone who is tripping on their shoelaces?

25 10 Which best describes someone who is tripping on their shoelaces?
Awkward Which best describes someone who is tripping on their shoelaces?

26 Pondering or Inspecting
11 Pondering or Inspecting When you are brainstorming/prewriting in writing class what should you be doing?

27 11 Pondering When you are brainstorming/prewriting in writing class what should you be doing?

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