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Presentation on theme: "HOW DOES THIS RELATE TO SECTION A OF YOUR ENGLISH LANGUAGE EXAM?"— Presentation transcript:

Think. Pair. Share.

2 Question 1, 2 and 3 of your English Language Exam (Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing) focus on how a writer uses language and structure in their text. Language Features (Similies, Metaphors ETC) are the individual building blocks that the writer has chosen to use. Structure is the way that all of those building blocks have been crafted together to create a complete model.

3 How Do Writers Structure Texts?
Learning Objectives: To understand how writers can change focus across a text To know how to identify and explain interesting structural features To be able to answer Question 3 in the English Language Examination

4 To understand how writers can change focus across a text
There are five elements that in order form the structural focus of most fiction texts. These can be handily remembered with the mnemonic below… S – Setting T – Talking Characters O – Oops! A Problem! R – Attempts to Resolve the Problem Y – Yes, the Problem is Solved!

5 This is one way you can look at the structure of a text.
To understand how writers can change focus across a text This is one way you can look at the structure of a text.

6 How Do Writers Structure Texts?
Learning Objectives: To understand how writers can change focus across a text  To know how to identify and explain interesting structural features To be able to answer Question 3 in the English Language Examination

7 Question 3: How has the writer structured the text
To be able to answer Question 3 in the English Language Examination Question 3: How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader? (8 Marks) Simple Your job will be to write about the order that the text is in. Simple You also need to consider how this choice of order can interest the reader. Simple This should be explained in the form of three PEE paragraphs.

8 How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader?
To be able to answer Question 3 in the English Language Examination Question 2: How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader? 8 Marks Level Marks Descriptor 1 1-2 These answers shows simple awareness of structural features. These answers are brief and only offer only simple comments on the effect of structural features. These answers do not give references to the text, or may do so but only simply. These answers make do not make use of subject terminology, or may do so but not accurately. 2 3-4 These answers shows some understanding of structural features These answers attempts to comment on the effect of structural features, but intended meaning may be lost or not properly conveyed. Selects some appropriate examples from the text. Makes some use of subject terminology, mainly appropriately but not always accurately. 3 5-6 These answers shows a clear understanding of structural features. These answers explains clearly the effects of the writer’s choice of structural features. These answers will include a range of relevant examples from the text. Makes clear and accurate use of subject terminology. 4 7-8 These answers shows a detailed and perceptive understanding of structural features. At least three features will need to be explored. These answers will analyse the effects of the writer’s choice of structural features upon the reader. These answers will select a judicious range (wide variety) of examples from the text. These answers will make sophisticated and accurate use of subject terminology in terms of identifying these structural features. Features need to be more advanced than simply identifying paragraphs and sentences. To gain full marks, a student’s response will meet all of the skills descriptors.

9 How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader?
To be able to answer Question 3 in the English Language Examination Question 2: How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader? 8 Marks The writer changes focus throughout the extract to bring the story to life. For example… (Textual Evidence) This interests the reader because… (Explanation) The writer also uses (structural technique) to bring the story to life. Finally, the writer uses (structural technique) to bring the story to life.

10 Prompt Questions for discussing Openings
Answer the first bullet point Differentiate to class’ needs

11 Comment on the Beginning
Sample Response: What is good about the response? How could it be improved?

12 Prompt questions for middle of the passage
Answer the second bullet point

13 Comment on how the extract develops
Sample Response: What is good about the response? How could it be improved?

14 Prompt questions for the end of the extract
Answer the third bullet point


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