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Covalent Bonds… More than meets the eye

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Presentation on theme: "Covalent Bonds… More than meets the eye"— Presentation transcript:

1 Covalent Bonds… More than meets the eye

2 Course Expectations: Cellphones no longer used for research Password and username issues Cell phones should be away by the time the bell rings Supplies and garbage, put away properly

3 Happy Valentine’s Day!

4 Objectives I can review the key characteristics of bonds I can define bond polarity I can differentiate the two types of covalent bonds

5 Mini-Lab One group per station, filling out the Bond Type Mini Lab Worksheet, only the front side How do I prepare a slide? Put a small amount of the sample on the glass Place under the microscope, will not be using cover slips, be careful DO NOT use the 40x adjustment knob

6 Review of Lab Questions


8 Lecture Overview -Polar Covalent -Nonpolar covalent -Bond Polarity -Electronegativity calculations I.e. what type of bond is it? -Preview of Intermolecular forces

9 Review Worksheet: Homework: Due by the start of class tomorrow If finish early: ACT Prep Packet or Electron Configuration Battleship

10 Exit Slip What are the three most important things that you learned today?

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