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4. 4 A crisis “An issue ignored is a crisis invited” Dr Henry Kissinger “a crisis is an unexpected and detrimental situation or event”

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2 4

3 A crisis “An issue ignored is a crisis invited” Dr Henry Kissinger
“a crisis is an unexpected and detrimental situation or event”

4 A PR crisis Crisis communication can play a significant role by transforming the unexpected into the anticipated and responding accordingly. The aim of crisis communication .. is to assist organisations to achieve continuity of critical business processes and information flows under crisis, disaster or event driven circumstances.

5 Top 10 2012 crises Think about similarities and differences?
What could have been done differently? What is the impact on reputation? Do you agree with the ranking? Will follow these and other crises as they unfold and their lessons for the module

6 Top 10 crises of last seven months

7 9

8 8

9 7 Top 10 PR crises

10 6

11 5

12 4

13 3

14 2

15 1

16 Exercise and discussion
What are the similarities? What are the differences? What could have been done differently? What is the impact on reputation? Do you agree with the ranking?

17 What leads to crises? The Seven Deadly Sins: It will never happen here
I don’t care how it looks Let them eat cake

18 What leads to them? It’s not our fault Just say “No comment!”
Just numbers on a balance sheet React first, think later

19 An A-Z of media crises Aggressive reporters Bad mouthing staff
Celebrity indiscretions Data issues Expenses False accusations

20 An A-Z of media crises Fraud and finances Footballers Fire
Government investigation Health scandals Inspections (schools, councils)

21 An A-Z of media crises Junketing Kate Middleton Lying politicians
Malicious competitors NIMBYs Online issues, hacking

22 An A-Z of media crises Product tampering Quotes out of context Rumours
Regulators Sexual harassment Trademark infringement

23 An A-Z of media crises Unethical behaviour Very angry customers
Whistle-blowers X-rated content You Tube videos Zionist abusers

24 How crises unfold 1 – Origin: potential issues
The stage when an organisation attaches significance to a perceived problem or opportunity that is a consequence of a developing political/regulatory, economic and social trend.

25 How crises unfold 2 – Mediation and amplification: emerging issue
As momentum builds with the mass media, the concern becomes a public issue, followed by a gradual increase in the level of pressure on the organisation to accept it. It is relatively easy for the organisation to intervene and play a proactive role

26 How crises unfold 3 – Organisation: current and crisis issue
The issue is displaying its full potential to those involved. Groups begin to see a resolution to the conflict that is either in their best interest or minimises potential reputational damage. It is very difficult to influence the situation now

27 How crises unfold 4 – Resolution: dormant issue
The issue receives the attention of public officials and enters the policy process, either through changes to legislation or new, costly regulation. Opportunity to move on, restore the brand

28 Next time… Look out for crises and think about
how the media covers them

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