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MILES Treasure Valley Project

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1 MILES Treasure Valley Project
Science to support natural resource decision making in the Boise River Basin Faculty and Students from the Departments of Biological Sciences, Public Policy and Administration, Anthropology, Geosciences…… Boise River Basin Water Management Alternative Futures How do farmers crop choices influence water use? How will an increasing population and changing climate alter water availability What is a rigorous framework for natural resource management engagement? How do nonprofit conservation organizations use science? What are the drivers and characteristics of urban growth? How do competing water management jurisdictions influence decision making? How will land management and climate change alter water supply How are wildlife affected by recreation? How do spatio-temporal patterns influence ecosystem service vulnerability How do Idahoans value and view their water resources How do wildlands and wildlife influence recreation communities and motivation? What sociological factors influence recreation decision making? What ecological processes affect the resiliency of a system to recreation impacts? Wildlands and Recreation Statewide Activities Treasure Valley Project

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