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Latin American Independence

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1 Latin American Independence

2 Nationalism – desire for national independence, pride in your country/nation

3 Latin America Nationalism
Causes Enlightenment ideas spread Encouraged by American & French Revolutions - wanted freedom from European colonial masters

4 Revolution in Haiti Slaves greatly outnumbered French
August 1791, enslaved Africans revolted led by Toussaint L’Ouverture By Taken entire control of Haiti and freed all slaves French seized & imprisoned him, but in 1804 his lieutenant declared the colony independent.

5 Revolution Spreads Creoles- Spaniards born in new
BOLIVAR Creoles- Spaniards born in new world, not Spain- led rebellions in 1810, when Napoleon invaded Spain kicked king off throne. Simon Bolivar-led Venezuela’s independence from Spain, Jose de San Martin- from Argentina but helped Chile gain independence left his army with Bolivar to help Peru Helped both Chile and Peru fight for independence. De San Martin

6 Mexican Independence Led by Native Americans and
mestizos (mixed European and Native ancestry) Miguel Hidalgo Called for rebellion against Spanish, led march toward Mexico City- defeated in 1811 1821, Augustin de Iturbide (Creole) declares independence independence from Spain! *Declared himself emperor- Overthrown 1823 Central America declares independence

7 Assignment Using pages create a eulogy for one of the men talked about in your notes: Include Name Country Accomplishments Death Picture Be creative- write it as if you were going to recite this eulogy at the man’s funeral.

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