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First Grade Friends’ News

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1 First Grade Friends’ News
September , 2014 Dates: *Columbus Day October 13th ~ No School *Lifetouch Picture Day October 3rd Helpful Hints We know many of you would like to work with your child on their reading skills, so here are a few websites that may give you some help!! To build a strong reader…you must read everyday! Thanks! Lunch Times: 11:10 – 11:40 Ashley & Orsburn 11:15 – 11:45 Gilley, Myers, & Scarbro Spelling Words: log hot dot lot top ox mop job *that *you Dictation Sentences: That rat got hit. You can mop. Sight Words: Practice your sight words every night to build up accuracy and fluency. *in *is *you *that *it Reading/Language Arts: *DRA Phonics: *Short O Writing: *Goshen Creek Elementary is…… Math: Addition and subtraction Science: *Matter Social Studies: *Citizenship *Community The First Grade Teachers: Wendy Ashley, Katie Orsburn, Ashley Gilley, Mallory Myers, and Monica Scarbro

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