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EU Water Framework Directive

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1 EU Water Framework Directive
Eutrophication assessment Guidance Document SCG meeting Brussels, October 2005 Jorge Rodriguez Romero European Commission, DG Environment Unit D.2 – Water and Marine, WFD Team

2 Contents Eutrophication Guidance
Technical chapters on understanding of Eutrophication Across water categories (Chapter 2) In the context of WFD ecological status (Chapter 4) Read across directives and policies on eutrophication assessment (Chapter 3) Current assessment methods (Chapter 5) Towards harmonisation of classification criteria (Chapter 6) Monitoring (Chapter 7) Case Studies (Chapter 8) Next steps (Chapter 9)

3 Process First Steering Group meeting February 2004 Mandate endorsed WD Dublin June 2004 Workshop Ispra September 2004 Consultation first 4 chapters March 2005 Workshop Brussels September 2005 Last Steering Group meeting (7th) October 2005

4 Deadline for written comments 9 November
Calendar Circulation of version 10 to the SCG, Ecostat and Eutrophication experts on 24 October Deadline for written comments 9 November Please one set of comments per MS or Organisation! SCG October Circulation of final draft on 16 November Water Directors meeting November

5 Conclusions Very useful document
Conceptual framework Read-across directives Understanding of eutrophication in the context of ecological status Monitoring Case studies Limited information on assessment methods and harmonisation due to ongoing processes Intercalibration Marine conventions Design of national classification systems

6 Proposal for the Water Directors
Endorse the contents of the guidance Revisit the assessment criteria and harmonisation after some time Keep the Steering Group activities Case studies Monitor the processes that have an impact on eutrophication assessment methods Propose to start the review as soon as possible

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