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Carbs and Lipids (mmm…the most delicious of macromolecules!)

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Presentation on theme: "Carbs and Lipids (mmm…the most delicious of macromolecules!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbs and Lipids (mmm…the most delicious of macromolecules!)


3 What are carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are composed of sugar monomers called monosaccharies Monosaccharies are simple sugars in which C, H and O occur in a ratio of 1:2:1 Glucose Fructose Ribose

4 How are carbohydrate monomers
joined together? Condensation / Hydrolysis! Maltose is important sugar in brewing beer; The production of maltose from germinating cereals, such as barley, is an important part of the brewing process. When barley is malted, it is brought into a condition in which the concentration of maltose-producing amylases has been maximized. Mashing is the process by which these amylases convert the cereal's starches into maltose. Metabolism of maltose by yeast during fermentation then leads to the production of ethanol and carbon dioxide.

5 Polysaccharides Polysaccharides are macromolecules that are polymers of a few hundred or thousand monosaccharides! Have 2 important biological functions: 1. Energy storage (starch & glycogen) 2. Structural support (cellulose & chitin)

6 Storage Polysaccharides

7 Storage Polysaccharides

8 Structural Polysaccharides

9 Structural Polysaccharides


11 What is a lipid? Isoprene Fatty acid
Organic compound that is largely nonpolar / hydrophobic / insoluble in water; Entire molecule or large portion is a hydrocarbon (C and H only) remember that C and H form nonpolar bonds  equal in their EN; lipids are characterized by their physical property – their solubility – instead of a shared chemical structure. Their chemical structure varies widely. Isoprene Fatty acid

12 FATS (aka triglycerides)
Not a monomer/polymer relationship

13 Yet another example of dehydration / hydrolysis reactions But note that to make one triglyceride you lose 3 Water!

14 STEROIDS = Four ring structure

15 PHOSPHOLIPIDS Polar / Hydrophillic head and Nonpolar / Hydrophobic tail! Amphipathic (literally “dual-sympathy” = Glycerol linked to phosphate group and two fatty acid chains

16 PHOSPHOLIPIDS Polar / Hydrophillic head and Nonpolar / Hydrophobic tail! Amphipathic (literally “dual-sympathy”)

ARE SELECTIVELY PERMEABLE! Very small molecules, especially nonpolar molecules like 02 will be able to get across easily  macromolecules, ions cannot get across without help!

18 Variation in Membrane Fluidity: Bond Saturation
Can pack saturated more tightly = increased hydrophobic interactions; also longer the tail = increased hydrophobic interactions

19 Variation in Membrane Fluidity: Bond Saturation

20 Atherosclerosis

21 Variation in Membrane Fluidity: Cholesterol

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