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Potential Process and Decisions for Conn. River Watershed Pilot

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Presentation on theme: "Potential Process and Decisions for Conn. River Watershed Pilot"— Presentation transcript:

1 Potential Process and Decisions for Conn. River Watershed Pilot
Aqu., Terr. Teams Core Team For ecosystems & their services For fish and wildlife species Define Conservation Goals Consensus on what the conservation design will depict and what decisions it will support Agree on End Product of Conservation Design Threats such as habitat loss, aquatic barriers, water quality and quantity Time horizon: possibly 2030 and/or 2080 Define Scope: Threats, Management Actions, Time Horizon Connect to conservation goals Consider representation, priority, data Define Criteria for Selecting Species and Ecosystems Apply criteria E.g., representative & other high priority species, species with existing models Select Species and Ecosystems Consider existing regional objectives Consider societal values, feasibility Set Species and Ecosystem Conservation Objectives Current vs. future scenarios of climate and development Regional vs. watershed and local priorities Decide on Relative Weights (Trade-offs) for Species and Ecosystems Incorporate objectives Incorporate weights and trade-offs Develop Initial Design Review initial draft(s) Consider alternatives Revisit/Iterate Conservation Objectives and Design as Necessary Seek consensus Transparent process that maintains underlying inputs and justification Finalize Landscape Conservation Design Explain how decisions were reached Communicate to partners Document and Communicate Results Partners incorporate watershed priorities and design into their decision making Longer term: Deliver and Implement Results

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