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April Meeting.

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1 April Meeting

2 How many students will graduate in 2019 in the U.S?

3 What were diplomas originally made out of?
Sheep skin!

4 April Birthdays! Carter Wachholtz Nicole Kleffman Macie Johnson
Scott Swanson Tyler Swanson Kaity Jenkins Emma Klein Kailee Yabut

5 April Social Hour Root beer Floats and Reflections!
Thursday, April 4th 3:15 to 4 Come enjoy root beer floats and reflect on the year you have had in NHS with your friends! Counts for 1 REQUIRED Social Hour

6 ASN Family Fun Fest Saturday April 13 Ralston Arena 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Family fun event to help support the Autism Society of Nebraska Assist with indoor games, bounce houses, registration, and 3-mile leisure walk.

7 Saddlebrook Easter Eggstravaganza
Saturday, April 13th from 9 AM to 1 PM At the Saddlebrook Community Center ( Laurel Ave.) Help with egg hunt, crafts, and inflatables Need only 5 volunteers, so first come first serve.

8 Koch Tennis Clean Up Day
Saturday April 20th from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM At Koch Tennis Center (12440 West Maple Rd.) Help with yard work, park clean up, and mulching Need 10 volunteers

9 Seniors! All hours are due on April 10th at 3:15!
No exceptions if you want your medallion for graduation! Thank you for all your hard work in NHS! This is your last meeting but we hope you keep the ideals of NHS in your life!

10 NHS Night Thursday April 18th at 7:00 PM Burke Auditorium
All members MUST attend!

11 NHS Officer candidates
Megan Keller - My willingness to listen to others while demonstrating leadership qualities of responsibility, dedication, and dependency lead to my desire of consideration for a Burke National Honors Society officer position. As an officer, I will strive to assist in making beneficial decisions while leading others in helping better our school and community through our active members. I will take this position seriously and work together with everyone in Burke NHS to be role models and uphold our pillars of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Alexa Carlson - I believe I should be considered to be one of your officers as I have participated in an extensive list of community service events and know how to get my hands dirty. Because of all the experience I’ve had doing service work, I know how rewarding all of the hard work is once you’ve finished and realized you made a difference in your community. I’m excited to plan and create fun and engaging events that will help you feel just as accomplished and helpful as I do after pitching in for a good cause.

12 NHS Officer candidates
Jayda Starks - As an officer in NHS, my goal is to make everything run efficiently from reminding others of meetings and events in advance and to encourage them to use volunteering as a means of bettering themselves. I am punctual, responsible, and willing to help others with completing their own responsibilities. I want to be able to help new members with figuring out how NHS works and to make the organization feel positive for everyone involved. Mikaela Gaeth - I should be considered for an officer position due to my responsible, punctual, and determined character. I am very involved at Burke and would love to have a larger part in a great organization like National Honor Society. By being an officer, I hope to leave a lasting impact on the organization through my work with fellow officers and members during the school year.

13 NHS Officer candidates
Grace Bieber - An important aspect of Burke NHS is developing deeper connections with our community and the fellow members of our chapter. Growing into active, informed citizens is something that we can accomplish by bonding as a chapter and working together to better the world around us. As an officer, I will strive to uphold the principles of inspiration and involvement while creating a unified chapter that is passionate about serving Omaha Clara Perez - I have experience being in a leadership position as well as ideas for NHS in I can contribute to NHS with a new perspective. I plan on serving in the groups best interest and making sure everyone feels welcome. Liam Singh - I should be an NHS officer because I have a solid work ethic, will prioritize my duties as an officer, and have a vision for the future of NHS and its participants.

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