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Lathrop Intermediate School 8th Grade- Expectations Friday, November 9, 2018 Respect Responsibility Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Lathrop Intermediate School 8th Grade- Expectations Friday, November 9, 2018 Respect Responsibility Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lathrop Intermediate School 8th Grade- Expectations Friday, November 9, 2018
Respect Responsibility Safety

2 A, B, C, D = 5 Credits Credit Review
6 Classes x 5 Credits = 30 Credits/Semester 2 Semesters x 30 Credits = 60 Credits/Year Respect Responsibility Safety

3 Promotion Criteria Academic Expectations Must pass 9 of 12 classes
Can not earn more than 3 F’s All students must earn at least 45 credits by passing 9 of 12 classes with a letter of A, B, C or D. Respect Responsibility Safety

4 Do I meet Promotion Criteria if…
I have earned 60 credits for the year? I failed 4 classes earning 40 credits for the year? Respect Responsibility Safety

5 Do I meet Promotion Criteria if…
I failed Art and Math for the year earning 40 credits for the Year? I failed Language Arts the 1st semester and PE and Language Arts Support the 2nd semester earning 45 credits for the year? Respect Responsibility Safety

6 Panoramic Picture March 2019 Respect Responsibility Safety

7 Prmotion Dance May 2019

8 Knott’s Berry Farm May 2019 Respect Responsibility Safety

9 Promotion May 30, 2019 Respect Responsibility Safety

10 8th Grade Activities All 8th grade students must meet promotion criteria and earn 40 credits in core classes (Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Science) by passing all core classes with a letter grade of A, B, C or D All year.

11 I will lose activities if…
Activity Number F’s Suspensions Tardies Major ODR Dance 1 10 3 Knott’s 2 15 5 Promotion 4 20 Respect Responsibility Safety

12 8th Expectations start on Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Respect Responsibility Safety

13 What if… Juan has earned 60 credits for the year and has not been suspended, has 5 tardies and no major ODR’s? Juan earned 45 credits and has not been suspended and has less than 10 tardies and no major ODR’s. Juan has earned his promotion and can participate in all 8th grade activities. Respect Responsibility Safety

14 What if… Jose failed Math and Science the 1st semester. He also failed Social Science and Art the 2nd semester. He has been tardy 8 times to class and has 2 major ODR’s? Juan failed 4 classes and earned 40 credits. He did not meet promotion criteria and is not eligible for any 8th grade activity. Respect Responsibility Safety

15 What if… Anita failed Math the 1st semester and Art the 2nd semester earning 50 credits for the Year. She also has 6 tardies and no major ODR’s? Anita has met the Promotion Criteria and is eligible to participate in Promotion. However, since she failed Math, a core class, the 1st semester she is not elgible for the Dance or Knott’s Berry Farm. Respect Responsibility Safety

16 What if… Daisy failed Medical Detectives the 1st semester and Math and Science the 2nd semester earning 45 credits for the Year. She also has 11 tardies and no major ODR’s? Daisy can participate in Promotion since she met promotion criteria. However, she is not eligible for the Dance or Knott’s Berry Farm, since she failed 2 core classes and had more than 10 tardies. Respect Responsibility Safety

17 I can participate if… I have academic success My behavior is positive
All books are turned in and library fines are cleared by May 23rd I have not engaged in a fight of any type or any type of bullying or harassment Respect Responsibility Safety

18 8th Grade Promotion Behavior Contract
Permission Slip for Dance Permission Slip for Knott’s Contract Signed by Student and Contract Signed by Parent All to be given to Ms. Kim with payment (in cash) for the activities you are participating in. Respect Responsibility Safety

19 High School Graduation Requirements
220 credits in 4 years. Pass Course Requirements.

20 High School Graduation Requirements
60 Credits x 4 Years = 240 Credits 240 Credits – 220 required Credits = 20 Credits 20 credits/5 credits = 4 classes 4 F’s in 4 years Vs. 3 F’s per year at Lathrop

21 High School Graduation Requirements
English Credits 4 Years Math (including Geometry) 30 Credits 3 Years Science (Biology/Life and Physical) 20 Credits 2 Years World History, Cultures & Geography 10 Credits 1 Year U.S. History Credits 1 Year Principles of Democracy 5 Credits 1 Semester Principles of Economics 5 Credits 1 Semester Foreign Language Credits 2 Years Visual & Performing Arts 10 Credits 1 Year Physical Education 20 Credits 2 Years Electives Credits 5 Years

22 “To succeed, we must first believe that we can.”
Respect Responsibility Safety

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