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e-Learning Project at Suan Dusit Rajabhat University Thailand

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1 e-Learning Project at Suan Dusit Rajabhat University Thailand
Dr. Pannee Suanpang Deputy director Office of Academic Resources Center and Information Technology

2 Presentation Outline e-University at SDU e-Learning at SDU
e-Learning research Statement of problems Introduction to online course Methodology (Participants, Procedures, Instruments, Method of data collecting and analysis) Results Discussion Further research Success factors of e-learning at SDU

3 Education Reform National Education Act (NEA) 1999
Improving efficiency and effectiveness of learning Student-Centred Problem-Solving and analytical skills Use Information and Communication Technology ICT Education Master Plan 2005 Every students will have access to ICT for learning at reasonable cost and adequate quality Integrate technological knowledge and information management skills to develop the ability to analyze, think creatively, solve problems and work in teams

4 SDU e-University Initiative
“Learning anywhere, anytime under the same standard” President of SDU Asst Prof. Dr. Sirote Pholpuntin

5 e-University at SDU e-University is a campuses-wide initiative of the Suan Dusit Rajabhat University (SDU) to transform key relationships and services, as well as academic, outreach and business process through the use of the Intranet, Internet and telecommunication technologies and practices.

6 e-University at SDU Student demography: on/off campus and integration of learning Creating opportunities for students to access resources world wide. The institutional development model Divisibility and flexibility of the degree and modularization structure Computer network management: internal and outsource Assessment: examinations, peer and continuous

7 SDU e-University Model

8 e-Learning e-learning (electronic learning) as a term covering a wide set of applications and processes, such as Web-based learning (WBI), virtual classrooms, and digital collaborations. It includes the delivery of content via the Intranet/Internet, audio-videotape, satellite broadcast, and other medias.

9 e-Learning at SDU Easy to build common structures for information and learning sequences Develop standard approach for mass content Enables communication between teacher/student and student/student Link to external sources of information Provides familiar interface with Web browser Convenience and flexibility, no need for class attendances Immediately feedback

10 Research on e-Learning
Encourage development of effective and efficient course material for Internet delivery Improve quality of learning Increase educational opportunities of students in 27 campuses to access to online course and virtual library Promote philosophy of “Learning anywhere, anytime under the same standard” and become “Cyber University”

11 Business statistics Online Course
Limited lecture time Difficulties encountered with learning from Video-conferencing system Difficult to understand statistics concepts Unable to apply the concepts to real world and daily life High failure rates Negative attitude toward learning Unsatisfactory experience of learning

12 Research framework Online Learning Instructional Design
Learning Outcomes Attitude toward Learning Students’ experience of learning Instructional Design Collaborative Learning Learning activities Student characteristics

13 System Development Life Cycle

14 Online Course Content

15 Communications

16 Collaborations

17 Course Tools

18 Research methodology Participants Procedures Instruments
Data collection Data analysis

19 Participants Online campus-based Online distance
Group 1 (n=58) Group 2 (n=48) Online distance Group 6 (n=5) Traditional campus-based Group 3 (n=52) Group 4 (n=63) Traditional distance Group 4 (n=28)

20 Procedure Orientation Main research

21 Instruments

22 Methods of data collection
Quantitative approach Questionnaires Grades Previous teaching of teachers Qualitative approach Interviews, students’ diaries and messages from discussion board

23 Assessment Traditional Online Campuses-based Mid-term exam 50%
Traditional Online Campuses-based Mid-term exam 50% Final exam 30% Homework 10% Attendance - Individual project 5% Group project Total 100% Distance-learning Assignment and homework 60% 40%

24 Methods of data analysis
Quantitative Method Descriptive statistics ANOVA Regression analysis Qualitative Method Content analysis from interviews, students' diaries, and messages from discussion board

25 Content Analysis Element of Educational Experience applied from Garrison & Anderson 2003

26 Results Gender 70% female Age 90% 19-21 Highest education
75% High school Religion 99% Buddhist Family income 48% 10,000-20,000 (Bh/mth) Resident 55% other provinces Employment 80% Not employed Scholarship 5% Funded Satisfaction 98% would like to study online in future

27 Learning Outcomes

28 Learning Outcomes Regression Analysis

29 Attitude toward learning

30 Qualitative Result Cognitive presence Social Presence
Students’ background and prior knowledge Students’ perceptions of learning statistical context Reflective and higher-order thinking Social Presence Communication in the learning environment Learning environment Collaborative learning Teaching Presence Course management and teaching technique Technology Role of teachers

31 Qualitative Result Cognitive presence
Required intensive course for Mathematics, general computer and Internet skill and English literacy Developed a higher cognitive to comprehend statistics context, ability to apply statistical ideas in the their daily life, ability of evaluating their own work and level of self-guidance of their independence learning Achieved higher scores and certainly much better positive attitude and appreciation of the course

32 Qualitative Result Social Presence
Online students had effective way of communication (asynchronous and synchronous) and have high level of interaction between their classmate and teacher Online collaborative learning offered the opportunities for students to share with others their thinking, interpretation, and reaction to the ideas that are being presented. Students differed in their approaches to this new learning environment where there are fewer social cues to shape participation, hence, the extent of interdependence and cooperation of each group varied

33 Qualitative Result Teaching presence
Online were satisfied the course management strategies and role of teacher Role of online teacher were changed from dictator becoming facilitator, which responsible for providing feedback, guide learning direction, and encouraging student to learn Online student gained advantages of flexibility of accessing to the course, which assisted learning process and learning activities more effective and flexibility

34 Conclusion of the research
Online course can assist and support student learning Improve quality of learning and teaching to be more effective Increase students’ satisfaction Increase educational opportunities for distant students Support philosophy of ‘Student-Centred’ and ‘Learning anywhere, anytime under the same standard’

35 Further Research Learning outcomes in other aspects such as grade (Suanpang & Petocz, 2003a) Student attitudes towards learning in online business statistics (Suanpang, Petocz & Kalceff, 2004) Learning experiences (Suanpang & Petocz, 2003b) Instructional design (Suanpang, Petocz & Kalceff, 2003) Teamwork Vs. Individual online learning (Suanpang, Petocz & Kalceff, 2004) E-Learning in Thailand (Suanpang & Petocz, 2004)

36 K.E.P.T.S Model for success of e-Learning at SDU
Knowledge LMS Link to external resources Environment Organizational culture and policy People Training skills, services minds and open minds Technology Scalability Accessibility System Holistic approaches

37 K.E.P.T.S Model for success of e-Learning at SDU
Knowledge, Environment, Technology & People harmonize together Change Management Staff training Appreciation of new skills and soft skill-management Learning and managing standard IT networks A strong pedagogic rationale Re-engineering of Work flow

38 Future of e-Learning at SDU

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