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Technology Enhanced Learning Module 1: Planning your teaching Year PG Cert HE LSE Teaching and Learning Centre / Centre for Learning Technology This work.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Enhanced Learning Module 1: Planning your teaching Year PG Cert HE LSE Teaching and Learning Centre / Centre for Learning Technology This work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Enhanced Learning Module 1: Planning your teaching Year PG Cert HE LSE Teaching and Learning Centre / Centre for Learning Technology This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike 2.5 License.Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike 2.5 License

2 Overview (1)Your experiences with learning technologies (2)Definitions and introduction to learning technologies (3)Learning technologies in action at the LSE (4)Integrating learning technologies into your teaching

3 (1) Your experiences What learning technologies have you used in your teaching and learning? Give an example of how a technology enhanced your teaching and/or learning. How have you planned to use learning technology in your teaching this year?

4 (2) Definitions and introduction to the learning technology Come up with definitions: E-learning Blended learning Distance or open learning

5 Definitions E-learning – learning facilitated and supported through the use of information and communications technology (ICT) JISC Blended learning – the combination of a range of technologies, a range of teaching methods, a range of learning experiences or a range of locations of the learning events. (Mason and Rennie, 2006, xxxii) Open distance learning – Distance learning is a formalised teaching and learning system specifically designed to be carried out remotely studying and learning in your own time, either at home or wherever suits you (Open University London); Refers to aim of removing barriers to learning

6 (3) Learning technologies in action at LSE The virtual tour of Moodlevirtual tour of Moodle Lecture capture Personal response systems (PRS) / voting / clickers Find out more about different technologies from CLT courses and workshopsCLT courses and workshops

7 Moodle overview For providing course materials – provides structure and wide variety of resources For discussion and feedback (written and audio) For collaborative work using the glossary and wiki tools To help with administration (assignment submission) For study skills development

8 Lecture capture Students find it a valuable revision tool Widening access to lecture content Potentially freeing up time for more interaction in the classroom Success depends partly on lecturing style and discipline An on-going debate…

9 (3) Examples of PRS in LSE100 Checking facts Gauging opinions Exploring dilemmas Stimulating debate (our examples)

10 Which of these regions emitted the most CO 2 in the 20 th century? 1.North America 2.Africa 3.The Soviet Union 4.Europe 5.The Middle East 10

11 There is a powerful case for strong action on climate change 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Unsure 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree

12 The prisoners dilemma Your options again: –Testify against the other prisoner, and if they remain silent, you go free and they get 10 years in jail –Stay silent, and if the other prisoner testifies against you, you get 10 years in jail and they walk free –Testify against the other prisoner, and if they testify against you too, you both get 5 years in jail –Stay silent, and if the other prisoner stays silent too, you both walk free –What should you do? 1.Testify 2.Remain silent

13 What should you do? 1.Testify 2.Stay silent 10

14 (3) Learning Technology in Action Using the PRS Quiz on knowledge and skills of your students.

15 A student needs help with academic writing. Who should you refer him/her to? 1.Language Centre 2.Subject Liaison Librarian 3.Their academic advisor 4.Teaching and Learning Centre 5.The Training Portal

16 A student comes to you worried about plagiarism. Who do you send her/him to for further advice? 1.Language Centre 2.Subject Liaison Librarian 3.Their academic advisor 4.Teaching and Learning Centre 5.The Training Portal

17 A student has joined your course from another department and only has limited excel skills. Where should you send him/her to? 1.Waterstones to buy a book 2.IT Training 3.Library 4.Teaching and Learning Centre

18 A student is trying to pin down his/her dissertation topic but is unsure how to find appropriate sources. Who do you send them to? 1.Academic adviser 2.Other academics in school with similar interests 3.Library 4.Teaching and Learning Centre 5.Subject Liaison librarian 6.Google

19 (4) Integrating learning technologies into your teaching What do you think about using Moodle, PRS and lecture capture in your teaching? How might you use learning technology (ies) to enhance student learning? Plan an activity for your next teaching session and explain what technology (ies) you have chosen and why?

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