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The decays KS, L into four leptons

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1 The decays KS, L into four leptons
Rene Unterdorfer, Paul Scherrer Institut 1. Introduction 2. Basic facts 3. KS into 4 leptons 4. KL into 4 leptons 5. Conclusions

2 1.Introduction Decays of neutral kaons into four leptons are dominated by long-distance contributions with respect to the weak scale They provide information on the coupling of kaons to two virtual photons This information is needed to calculate the long-distance contributions to the decays KS,L + -, sensitive to possible new physics contributions

3 2. Basic facts General decomposition of amplitude of K0 into four leptons for distinguishable leptons (only terms that contribute): KS (CP limit) KL (CP limit)

4 In case of undistinguishable leptons one has to consider also a term A2, where p2 and p4 have been interchanged. This leads to the decay width: with For distinguishable leptons:

5 Four body decay  five phase space variables
In case of distinguishable leptons one can integrate over three of these variables analytically  only the invariant masses of the two leptons pair remain as variables. 1 is obtained by same method also for undistinguishable leptons. To get the interference term 2 (turns out to by a small contribution)  perform the whole phase space integration numerically.

6 Theoretical framework:
Chiral Perturbation Theory (CHPT), characterized by: (Gasser, Leutwyler) Chiral symmetry and its spontaneous breaking Identification of the lightest pseudoscalar mesons as Goldstone bosons  asymptotic states are not quarks, but pions, kaons and the  Effective low-energy expansion up to a certain order in the external momenta and masses  in the Lagrangian all terms that respect the symmetries Large NC QCD in order to include resonance exchange, if high precision is needed.

7 3. KS into four leptons Up to fourth order in the external momenta the amplitude is given by loop graphs.

8 /MK2 8 /105 /MK2 Normalized differential decay width with respect to the invariant masses of the electron pair and the lepton pair

9 Decay widths and branching ratios
K S  e+e- e+e- K S  e+e- +- K S  +- +-  (MeV) 7.4  10-22 6.7  10-23 1.1  10-25 1.5 10-14 1.0  10-10 9.0  10-12 Br Errors about 25%

10 4. KL into four leptons Loop graphs contain a weak O(p4) vertex
WZW anomaly graphs and O(p6) counter-term can be replaced by large NC expression

11 (Goity, Longzhe) (DIP)

12 (K TeV)

13 /MK2 2 /104 /MK2 Normalized differential decay width with respect to the invariant masses of the electron pair and the lepton pair

14 Decay widths and branching ratios
K L  e+e- e+e- K L  e+e- +- K L  +- +- 5.1  0.7  10-22 3.4  0.5  10-23 1.3 0.2  10-26  (MeV) 4.0  0.6  10-8 2.7  0.4  10-9 1.0  0.2  10-12 Br 4.2  0.3  10-8 2.7  0.3  10-9 Exp. Br (K TeV)

15 5. Conclusions Decays of neutral kaons into four leptons provide information on the coupling of a kaon to two virtual photons needed for KS,L + - CHPT and large NC QCD as theoretical framework The theoretical results for the already measured channels K L  e+e- e+e- and K L  e+e- +- agree with experimental data

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